The 18 foods that should be prioritized after the age of 60

by time news

2023-08-02 12:00:16

Reaching the age of 60 should not mean a restricted diet. There are many healthy foods that we can consume and here is the list.

Last update: August 02, 2023

The need for calories and nutrients varies with age. In particular, eating after the age of 60 can be a little different, since older adults require fewer calories, but more vitamins and minerals.

In addition, it is possible that after a certain age a decreased appetite is observed. Therefore, care must be taken to include the required nutrients, even when consuming a small amount.

The list of foods that you should include yes or yes after 60

As we age, nutritional needs change. This is due to different reasons:

metabolism is slowing down little by little, every year. Some people will have less caloric expendituresince they will become more sedentary.
Loss of muscle mass occurs (sarcopenia) and tends to decrease bone density. After menopause, women can develop fat deposits around the waist (central obesity). Also There will possibly be a health condition base that influences the diet of the elderly.

For all these reasons, eating after 60 should change a bit to prevent disease or avoid complications, even if a healthy diet has been maintained in adulthood and the person is at an ideal weight.

Next, we will know what are the foods that should be prioritized after the age of 60, so that you plan meals that are healthier.


Proteins help us in cell repair and to build muscle mass. It is considered that older adults require up to 20% more protein than a young adult. Let’s look at the best sources.

1. Lean meats

It is recommended more consumption of poultry and fish than red meat. Although the latter do not necessarily pose a risk, it must be done in moderation (two to three times a week) and avoid processed meats (cold meats), which contain other substances necessary for their preservation, but which can be harmful.

2. Eggs and dairy

Other good sources of animal protein are eggs and dairy in its various forms. Yogurt also contains probiotics.. However, you should not go overboard with the cheeses, since most are high in salt and the matured ones contain more fat.

3. Grains

Third, we have the Vegetable proteins: quinoa, chickpeas, broad beans, lentils, beans, as well as soybeans and their derivatives, including tofu. However, those who suffer from intestinal gas, should be moderate with some grains.


The body needs fat to perform various functions, such as the absorption of vitamins. There are three types of fat: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated.. The last two are the healthiest. Let’s see where to find them.

4. Olive oil

Your consumption is linked to various health benefitswhich includes everything from weight control to preventing heart disease and even Alzheimer’s.

5. Avocado

If there is a food that provides healthy fats, that is the avocado. Besides, It is rich in antioxidants and has vitamin E.. It is considered beneficial for the skin and hair.

6. Omega-3 y omega-6

Apart from being good sources of protein, shellfish and fish (mainly blue) are rich in omega-3. Also plant-based foods, such as canola oil, walnuts, and flaxseeds. On the other hand, omega-6 fatty acids are found in sunflower oil and soybean oil.


One of the problems that can occur with age is constipation, because gastrointestinal function slows down. Therefore, Including fiber is essential in the diet after 60.

But not only to improve intestinal transit, but also because it reduces the risk of suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and depression. In addition to helping to maintain weight within normal limits and is associated with greater longevity.

A daily average of 30 grams is recommended for men and 25 for women.

7. Fruits

Fruits are a good source of fiber. But they are also rich in other nutrients.such as vitamin C (especially citrus), vitamins B1, folic acid and potassium.

8. Cereals

Among the cereals with the highest fiber content are barley, oats, rye, wheat or brown rice, spelt, buckwheat, millet and amaranth.

9. Other sources of fiber

In addition to those already mentioned, nuts and vegetables (for example, carrots), Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, as well as grains (beans and lentils), are considered good sources of fiber.

Vitamins and minerals

Several of the foods mentioned, as well as others that we will see below, should be prioritized after the age of 60. They contain the vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

10. Foods with calcium and vitamin D

In food after 60 foods containing calcium should be included, as well as vitamin D. This helps in the absorption of said mineral.

In addition to its importance in maintaining healthy and strong bones and teeth, preventing bone loss that occurs with age, calcium is a determining factor in heart function. Among the richest in the mineral are dairy and fish already mentioned. Besides, there are plant sources, such as kale, broccoli, and moringa.

11. Foods that contain iron

If you don’t consume enough of this mineral, iron deficiency anemia can occur. Apart from red meat, eggs and fish, The following foods contain iron: cocoa, spinach, chard, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, sesame, cashew, raspberries.

12. Sources of potassium

potassium It is an essential mineral for the body. It is related to muscle strength, blood pressure and kidney function. Among the foods that provide more potassium are bananas, potatoes and chard, as well as cabbage and spinach.

13. Foods that contain magnesium

This is another important nutrient for a variety of processes in the body., including muscle and nerve function, as well as blood pressure. Foods that contain magnesium and that should be included in the diet after 60 are almonds, dates and sunflower seeds, as well as spinach, black beans, bananas and poultry.

14. Sources of vitamin A

While vision can be affected with age, so can it is possible to prevent some damage by eating foods rich in vitamin A. It is found in carrots, squash, and other yellow and green vegetables; In addition, in dairy products and in fruits, such as mangoes and melons.

15. Foods with vitamin B12

It is also important for the production of red blood cells and is related to cognitive functions. It should be noted that as a person ages, the ability to absorb vitamin B12 decreases. The richest foods in this vitamin are those of animal origin.


Our sense of taste loses sensitivity to perceive flavors as the years go by. But, with some spices, not only can the flavor be improved, but they also bring us benefits. Seasoning with them allows us to reduce the use of salt, which is ideal to prevent high blood pressure or to contribute to its control if we already have the diagnosis.

16. Turmeric

Curcumin is considered anti-inflammatory. It has also been associated with improving the immune system, preventing Alzheimer’s and some types of cancer.

17. Cinnamon

The aromatic cinnamon delights the palate, as sweetens without the need for sugar and provides antioxidants. It is anti-inflammatory, good for the skin and for the heart.

18. Agua

Of course, we cannot forget hydration, although it may seem obvious. Consuming enough water is necessary for intestinal and kidney functionhelping to go to the bathroom as often as necessary to avoid urinary tract infections, stones and other problems.

What foods to avoid after 60?

When we talk about food after 60, we must also think about those products that can be harmful. Among them, you have to start with alcoholic beverages, since alcohol takes longer to metabolize. In addition, it contributes to weight gain and can cause injuries from falls.

Similarly, the consumption of sweets and soft drinks should be reduced, as well as added sugars in drinks (coffee, tea or juices). They could promote cavities, obesity, fatty liver disease and heart disease.

Another recommendation has to do with reducing sodium intake. A diet high in salt, as well as ultra-processed foods, can contribute to increased blood pressure.

Of course, to make these decisions, it is always necessary to go to the doctor or nutritionist. The professional will give quantity recommendations, according to individual needs.

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