The 1st charity tournament for autism between Figueres and Olot raises more than 5,000 euros

by time news

2023-08-17 19:40:57

More than 5.000 euros, waiting to count the total collection. These are the funds, at least, that have been collected this Wednesday evening at theVilatenim stadium in the 1st TEA Charity Tournament, which has been a success. The event featured four football matches between the teams of the Unió Esportiva Figueres sections and the Olot Sports Union. All money raised will go entirely to TEA Alt Empordàassociation in support of families with children with the Autistic spectrum disorder.

Vilatenim has registered a good innings Luis Ribera

An average of 300 spectators have attended the tournament, which started at 6 in the afternoon and ended at quarter past 12 at night. The Fig trees i the Olot they have won two games each and the outcome to get the winner’s trophy has been decided from the penalty shootout of the men’s first team match. The Garrotxins have been more successful from the fateful point. Before, the amateur of the Olot, of Third RFEFhad prevailed 0-2 to the Fig trees, one category less, Elite. The other three results of the day were: Figueres 0-5 Olot (first women’s team), Figueres 2-1 Olot (Juvenile A) i Figueres 1-0 Olot (Integrate). The award ceremony was attended by, among others, the new president of the EU Figueres, Dani Sala; the vice-president of Olot, Dionís Cros; the mayor of Figueres and deputy for Sports of the Provincial Government of Girona, Jordi Masquef; and the director of the Catalan Football Federation, Carles Mallart.

A move from the women’s game Luis Ribera

The entrance fee was 10 euros and tickets have also been sold that allowed you to choose to win shirts lent by clubs and players, such as the Native of Tarragona (Pedro Del Campo), levant (Roger Brugué), Barça (Martina Fernandez), WBA (Damià Abella), Catalan team, Fig trees, Olot, Atlético de Madrid, Espanyol i Girona.

A move from the Integra match Luis Ribera

The intention of the two clubs is for the tournament to have continuity and to be played every summer during the pre-season on alternate stages. Thus, the 2024 will be played at Olot and the profits will go to TEA The Garrotxa. He Fig treeswith the first men’s team in the Elite Leaguei the Olota 3aRFEF, are two centennial clubs that share the same values ​​and that carry out an important social task with the determined commitment they make to the women’s teams and Integra. Two clubs that bet equally on their social and sporting side, keeping all possible sections active, despite the financial and organizational effort this entails, and which makes them unique in the Girona regions.

A play from the first team match Lluís Ribera

TEA Alt Empordà is a non-profit organization which was born in 2019 as a result of a group of families seeing the lack of specific resources for children with autism in‘Alt Emporda. It is a neurobiological disorder that affects one’s perception, that of the world around and communication, among others. This tournament wants to give visibility to TEA and the funds raised will be used for therapeutic and social projects for children and their families to improve the quality of life, with aspects such as communication and social skills.

L’Olot, champion of the tournament Luis Ribera

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