The 2023 Goncourt Prize for high school students awarded to Neige Sinno for “Sad Tiger”

by time news

2023-11-23 14:10:22

It was Neige Sinno, who received the Goncourt prize from high school students this Thursday, November 23, for her novel Triste Tigre.

The 2023 Goncourt Prize for high school students was awarded to Neige Sinno for Sad Tiger. The price was announced this Thursday from Rennes town hall.

Neige Sinno has already won the Femina Prize at the beginning of November for this story about incest.

“Triste tigre” is rewarded “for its literary qualities and its daring form to tackle a sensitive subject”, declared Méline Debailleul, Terminale student and spokesperson for the jury, live on M6.

“Readings that change us”

Neige Sinno, for her part, reacted in duplex on the same channel by thanking “from the bottom of my heart the high school students who read my book and who trusted its audacity”.

“The readings we do when we are young are so important. It’s readings that change us and it delights me to know that perhaps this text, my writing, will produce something in the future of a person, it’s great, it makes me very, very happy,” she added.

Very influential in terms of sales, the Goncourt of high school students can represent several hundred thousand copies sold in certain years.

Seven finalists

Little brother of the Goncourt for adults, the Goncourt for high school students, created in Rennes in 1988 and organized by Fnac and the Ministry of National Education, takes place every year from September to November. It allows some 2,000 students from second to BTS to discover contemporary literature and to promote a taste for reading in their establishments.

In 2022, the Goncourt Prize for High School Students was awarded to Sabyl Ghoussoub for her novel Beyrouth-sur-Seine (ed. Stock).

Seven authors, including Jean-Baptiste Andrea winner of the Goncourt with Veiller sur elle, Mokhtar Amoudi with Ideal Conditions (Ed. Gallimard), Vincent Delecroix, with Naufrage (Ed. Gallimard), Émilie Frèche with Les amants du Lutetia (Ed. Albin Michel), Akira Mizubayashi with Suite unforgettable (ed. Gallimard) and Léonor de Récondo with Le grand feu (ed. Grasset) were in the running for this prize.

#Goncourt #Prize #high #school #students #awarded #Neige #Sinno #Sad #Tiger

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