The 2024 Fiscal Package in Edomex does not contemplate debts or loans as in the PRI era

by time news

2023-12-18 18:07:19

10:05 am

Maurilio Hernández, leader of Morena in Congress, specifies that the UAMex did have its budget increased, as did the other autonomous bodies.

Opposition to Morena recognizes the openness that the governor had to each of her approaches

#Toluca, #Mexico, December 18, 2024.- The 2024 Fiscal Package sent by Teacher Delfina Gómez Álvarez, governor of the State of Mexico, to the local Congress, characterized by not contemplating any request for loan-debt authorization as they used to make governments prior to the Fourth Transformation, was approved unanimously by the deputies that make up the United Planning and Public Expenditure and Public Finance Commissions.

Mónica Angélica Álvarez Nemer, president of the Planning and Public Expenditure commission of the local Chamber of Deputies and coordinator of the work of the aforementioned commissions, stated that for the first time in the Mexican entity a Fiscal Package is proposed based on the true needs of the population.

And its main objective, he stressed, is to address the priority needs of the entire Mexican society, without any distinction, but, above all, he said, the Package promotes a structural scheme of government austerity and does not contemplate any type of debt request.

After several consecutive days of parliamentary work, deputies from all political forces present in the LXI Legislature of the State of Mexico, recognized the openness and attention to their proposals of the new government headed by President Delfina Gómez, as well as Paulina Moreno García , head of the state Finance Secretariat and his team of finance specialists.

The above, since they accompanied the local legislators in their study and analysis of the project, answering each of the doubts, suggestions and considerations they made of the Fiscal Package integrated by the Income Law of the State of Mexico and the Income Law of the Municipalities, the Expenditure Budget, as well as various reforms to the Financial Code of the State of Mexico and Municipalities, among other regulations.

“The study and examination work was strengthened with the participation of public servants from the Ministry of Finance of the Government of the State of Mexico, who complemented the information and clarified doubts on the matter,” said Mónica Álvarez when reading the argumentative support. of the adjustments to the Financial Code of the State and Municipalities contemplated in the Opinion of the Package that in its Expenditure Budget aspect establishes 377 thousand 935 million pesos of expenditure-investment for 2024.

He added that various provisions of the aforementioned Code were reformed, added and repealed, as well as the Administrative Code of the State of Mexico, the Law for the Coordination and Control of Auxiliary Organizations and the Organic Law of the Public Administration of the State of Mexico; The mechanism was also established for municipalities and public institutions to celebrate with the State of Mexico or the Social Security Institute of the State of Mexico and Municipalities (ISSEMyM), payment agreements for overdue contributions and withheld contributions, both ordinary and extraordinary.

Regarding the Income Law of the State of Mexico and the Income Law of the Municipalities, Mónica Álvarez, highlighted that the deputies, aware of the need to permanently update the financial regulations of the entity, proceeded to carry out annual updates of various rates, prior agreement with Treasurers and officials of the areas responsible for tax matters.

Adjustments were also promoted that will make collection efficient, providing clarity and legal certainty to taxpayers in the fulfillment of their obligations, and the improvement of administrative processes is guaranteed to allow access to carry out procedures and services in a more agile manner. and expeditious for the obligated subjects through the use of information and communication technologies, he mentioned.

Legal-administrative adjustments that will result in the strengthening of state and municipal tax activity, thus allowing efficient operation of government performance that will always be conducted for the benefit of the Mexican population, establishes a section of the Opinion.

In this regard, Brenda Gómez Cruz, Morena deputy, recognized that the Fiscal Package presented by Governor Delfina Gómez is austere, with zero debt and attached to the most vulnerable needs of the entity, thus materializing her government’s phrase “The Power serving”.

After the approval, Maurilio Hernández González, Coordinator of the Morena deputies, clarified that the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMéx), nor any autonomous state organization, had its budget reduced in relation to what they are exercising in this year, since in fact the “Maximum House of Studies” of the entity was increased by around 156 million pesos.

“The University is being increased by 156 million pesos due to what it had in 2023, it is not that it has been cut, it has been increased and, in addition, the University operates with a joint budget of 2.7 billion state resources.” and 2.7 billion federal resources, to say absolute numbers, plus their own income that reaches just over 900 million pesos… so there are no cuts,” he emphasized.

The 2024 Fiscal Package will be submitted in the next few hours to the legislative plenary session for its evaluation.

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