The 4 key tips to play golf and avoid back pain

by time news

In Spain the number of golf fans grows every year. In addition, due to the climatic conditions of our country, we receive more than a million tourists a year that comes to practice this sport in our fields.

One of the reasons is that golf can be started at any age, it does not require excessive effort and it is a low-impact sport, although this does not mean that it cannot cause back problems.

Back injuries when executing the swing


Golf is the direct cause of some back injuries, most of them caused by mechanical failures when executing the swing, although sometimes they can be due to accidents with the cart or the clubs.

Dangerous turns in the dorsal, cervical and lumbar area

The swing is a complex movement that is performed several times., both on the driving range and on the field trip. During the shot, much of the turning is done with the dorsal and lower back it is the one that holds the body in the meantime, and this is where most injuries tend to occur – in the L4-L5 vertebrae and especially in the L5-S1, although they can also occur in the cervical or dorsal ones.

Scoliosis, spinal deformity

Tips to avoid injuries

In order to enjoy golf and minimize the risk of injury, these are our recommendations:

1.- Strengthen back muscles with exercises focused on toning it.

2.- Stretch and warm up before playingas it should be done before any sports practice.

The warm-up and toning exercises must be aimed at strengthening the back muscles, especially the posterior lumbar axial. The abdominal muscles should also be worked.

3.- As we turn years adapt the posture. For example, placing your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart for more stability, adapting your swing, and buying clubs that are appropriate for your age and strength.

4.- Wear comfortable clothing and suitable footwear.

Can we play golf if we have back problems?

A good posture can save us from many cervical problems in the future.

Can we play golf if we have back problems?

You can practice golf with back injuries, although it is possible that these make it difficult for us to do so. The important is visit a specialist since this, with the signs that the patient explains, will be able to determine if it is convenient for him or not to play golf.

There are cases in which the player does not feel pain with the swing and, nevertheless, it is difficult to walk across the course from one hole to another. This may be a consequence of a lumbar canal stenosisa pathology that is not uncommon after the age of 60.

There are cases in which playing golf is contraindicated, such as when a patient’s symptoms are aggravated by playing and those who, for example, present mechanical instability (spondylolisthesis) of their last lumbar discs.

A woman sleeping.

after a Colunm surgery, it is also necessary to stop playing for six months from the operation. The good thing is that, after most of the operations, you can safely return to playing golf.

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