the 4th dose extended to vulnerable people

by time news
A nurse prepares a dose of a Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine against the Covid-19 coronavirus disease at a social center in the popular La Gavotte Peyret district, in Septeme-Les-Vallons, near Marseille, on January 12, 2022. CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU/AFP

INFOGRAPHIC – The rate of vaccination remains at a sustained level, despite the start of the summer holidays.

Taking into account the current epidemic context, the Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday to extend access to the 2e booster dose (usually one 4e dose) to all vulnerable people over the age of 18, i.e. suffering from comorbidities (obesity, diabetes, cirrhosis, etc.).

This also concerns pregnant women from the first trimester of pregnancy and all people who live in the entourage of fragile people. The question of making this second booster dose compulsory for healthcare personnel has not been decided by the authorities. There are currently no plans to extend the campaign to the general population, as it remains reserved for the over 60s for the time being.

A steady pace

These announcements comply with the recommendations of the French National Authority for Health and take into account the fact that the BA.4 and BA.5 variants, currently responsible for the majority of infections, are less immunizing. People eligible for a second booster dose and who have contracted Covid will still have to perform this injection. In this case only, the rule “one infection = one injection” will no longer be valid. On the other hand, a period of 3 months must be respected between the end of the infection and the booster dose.

In total, this brings to 17 million the number of people eligible for the 2e booster dose. Health authorities insist that eligible people do their booster shots as soon as possible without waiting for future vaccines (Sanofi, Hipra, or new versions from Pfizer and Moderna), which it is not known when they will have their marketing authorization. market.

So far, just over 4 million of these fourth doses have been administered and the rate is holding steady despite the start of the summer holidays.

According to the latest available data, the week of July 4 was particularly intense since 738,000 injections (mainly fourth doses) were carried out, a figure which had not been reached since February. City health professionals represent 95% of these statistics. Only 250 vaccination centers are still active in the territory, most often with opening hours restricted to a few hours a week and limited indications (pediatric injections, for example).

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