The 4th “Heat Warning Alert” was widely announced in Saitama, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefectures, etc.

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4th “Heat Warning Alert” widely announced in Saitama Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, etc. Avoid the heat stroke

Today, the 4th, it will be dangerously hot from Kanto to Kyushu and Okinawa. Heat stroke warnings were issued in predecessor Saitama, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Shizuoka and Fukuoka. Beware of heat stroke.

Dangerous heat, more than body temperature

Dangerous heat, more than body temperature

Today, the 4th, the Pacific anti-cyclone will extend not only to the Nansei Islands but also to western and eastern Japan. The rainy season will be sunny from Kanto to Kyushu, and summer skies will spread over Okinawa.

During the day, the temperature rises quickly and becomes dangerously hot. The maximum temperature will be 34℃ in central Tokyo and Yokohama, making it the hottest of the year. Kumagaya City and Saitama City are likely to experience very hot weather (maximum temperature of 35℃ or higher). In Shizuoka City, it will be 38 degrees Celsius, which is more than the body temperature. Miyazaki City is expected to experience three consecutive days of extreme heat. Naha City is sweltering at 34 degrees Celsius.

A heat stroke warning alert has been widely announced

A heat stroke warning alert has been widely announced

Today, the 4th, heat stroke warning alerts were issued for Ibaraki Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Tokyo, Chiba Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Mie Prefecture, Wakayama Prefecture, Tokushima Prefecture, Fukuoka Prefecture, Oita Prefecture, Nagasaki Prefecture, Miyazaki Prefecture, and Kagoshima Prefecture It is announced in the prefectures (excluding the Amami region), Okinawa prefecture (Okinawa main island region), and Okinawa prefecture (Yaeyama region). This is the first announcement of the season for Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, and Shizuoka prefectures. The risk of heat stroke increases. Please take precautions against the heat.

Even in areas where heatstroke warnings have not been issued, heatstroke information shows heatstroke is widely considered dangerous from the western Kanto region. Please don’t let your guard down and take measures against the heat.

What is a heat stroke warning alert?

What is a heat stroke warning alert?

A Heatstroke Warning Alert is information jointly announced by the Ministry of the Environment and the Japan Meteorological Agency to encourage people to be aware of the heat, with the aim of preventing heatstroke.

The “Heat Index (WBGT)” is the standard for issuing heat stroke warning alerts. The heat index is an index that expresses the intensity of heat, incorporating temperature, humidity, and radiant heat (heat emitted from the ground, buildings and bodies; much of it is emitted from objects with high temperatures) .

If the heat index is forecast to be 33 or higher at any point in the 58 prefectural forecast areas that divide the country, a heat stroke warning alert will be issued. In areas where a heat stroke warning alert has been issued, please be more thorough in your daily heat stroke prevention measures than usual.

What actions should you take when a heat stroke warning alert is issued?

What actions should you take when a heat stroke warning alert is issued?

In places where a heat stroke warning has been issued, there are five actions you should take proactively to avoid heat stroke.

① Refrain from going out as much as possible and avoid the heat. The most important way to prevent heat stroke is to avoid heat. Avoid unnecessary trips as much as possible. When you are inside, use an air conditioner to adjust the temperature of your room, day or night.
② As a general rule, outdoor or indoor exercise without air conditioning should be canceled or postponed.
③ Practice heat stroke prevention behaviors more than usual. Make sure to drink plenty of water before you get thirsty, and try to wear as cool clothes as possible.
④ Let’s talk to those who are at high risk of heat stroke. Elderly people, children, people with chronic illnesses, obese people, disabled people, etc. more susceptible to heat stroke, so people around them say things like “use the air conditioner even at night” and “make sure to drink plenty of water.” Please apply.
⑤ Check the heat index (WBGT). The heat index varies greatly depending on time of day and location. Please check the Ministry of the Environment’s heat stroke prevention information site and use the heat index as a guideline for your actions.

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Tomomi Yoshida

Japan Weather Association Head OfficeWeather forecaster Heat stroke prevention instructor

Tomomi Yoshida

While working in a trust bank, he qualified as a weather forecaster. He moved to Sendai and headed the weather department of “Private Radio” and “NHK Yamagata.” After that, I returned to Tokyo and worked as a weather forecaster for “NHK Radio Journal”…

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