The 5 CDMX neighborhoods that have the most hospitals

by time news

2023-05-19 00:00:01

  • Currently there are about 300,000 doctors in Mexico, which is equivalent to 2.41 for every thousand inhabitants.
  • Having hospitals close to a home also increases the capital gains of real estate.
  • An analysis identified the neighborhoods that have more hospitals in the country’s capital.

Although Mexico City is small in size, when analyzing other parameters it is one of the largest in Latin America. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) it has a population of over nine million inhabitants. But have you ever wondered which are the neighborhoods with the most hospitals?

A city of these dimensions requires an extensive health infrastructure to meet the medical needs of its population. At present, there are colonies that stand out for the presence of hospitals, both public and private, within their territory.

One of the biggest complaints is that medical personnel are not evenly distributed throughout the national territory. While some areas concentrate the majority of the workers, there are others where there are not enough elements.

The neighborhoods with the most hospitals in CDMX

Some aspects such as salaries, safety and quality of life cause doctors to prefer big cities over rural areas. Although there is always the willingness to help others, you cannot ignore your own well-being.

“The positive impact that hospitals generate on the quality of life of the people who live in the neighborhoods where these facilities are located is incalculable. The presence of these institutions not only provides access to high-quality medical services, but also contributes to the generation of jobs and the economic development of the neighborhoods, not to mention of course that the presence of hospitals in the vicinity can increase the property value,” says Jorge Combe, co-founder of DD360.

According to data collected by DD360, the neighborhoods with more hospitals in Mexico Cityboth public and private, are the following:

  1. North Rome: 21 hospitals.
  2. Lindavista: 12 hospitals.
  3. Doctors: 10 hospitals.
  4. South Rome: 9 hospitals.
  5. Center: 6 hospitals.

Analysis of public and private hospitals

As far as private hospitals are concerned, Roma Norte stands out with a total of 18 properties, among which stands out the Hospital Brialto, Star Médica Centro and Médica Sur, that according to an investigation of Statesman It is one of the most recognized for its quality index.

While Lindavista with 11 hospitals; South Rome with 19; Polanco Reforma with 5 and La Escandón, with 4 hospitals, complete the Top 5 of the neighborhoods with the most private hospitals.

As for public hospitals, it is important to highlight the Doctores neighborhood, which houses facilities such as the Indianilla Specialty Clinic, the IMSS Siglo XXI National Medical Center Cardiology Hospital, and the General Hospital of Mexico (HGM) “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”, which is recognized by the Health Secretary (SSa) as one of the most important venues in the construction of the health system through access to care and the training of generations of professionals in the medical sector.

The Top 5 of the neighborhoods with the most public hospitals are completed by the Belisario Domínguez neighborhood section XVI, with 5 hospitals; the Magdalena de las Salinas Expansion with 4; the Colonia Centro with 3 hospitals and La Raza, with 3.

The presence of hospitals within a neighborhood is an important factor when it comes to increasing the value of a home, since it is an essential service for the population. Although this increase may vary depending on various factors, such as the quality of the facilities, the reputation of the medical services offered, the demand for medical services in the area, among others.

Also read:

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#CDMX #neighborhoods #hospitals

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