The 5 most controversial theories about the 9/11 terrorist attack and what has been said about them

by times news cr

23 years after terrorist attack to the Twin Towers of 9/11we present to you the 5 theories More controversies about this event that shook the world continue.

The attack on the Twin Towers that occurred on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 7:14 a.m. local time, took place in a series of 4 terrorist attacks that left a total of 2,996 people dead.

We tell you the most controversial theories of attack on the twin towers as:

  1. were brought down by a controlled explosion
  2. Tower 7 was intentionally demolished
  3. The Pentagon was attacked by a missile
  4. The attack was a strategy as an excuse for war
  5. Flight 93 was shot down by the military

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Twin Towers: They were brought down by a controlled explosion

According to the designers of the twin towers, these buildings were prepared to withstand winds of up to 225 km/h and even the project engineer, Lee Roberston, had assured that could withstand the impact of a Boeing 707.

However, after the attack, both towers fell within 10 seconds of each other; the South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after the impact, while the North Tower collapsed in one hour and 42 minutes.

Based on claims made by those in charge of the project, one theory about the 9/11 attack on the twin towers is that they were brought down by a controlled explosion.

This would be supported because no physical evidence was found of the Boeing 767 planes that crashed, as well as computers and even office supplies, even though the fires in the buildings lasted less than two hours.

According to this theory about the terrorist attack, for the rubble to be reduced to ash it must have exceeded 1510 degrees Celsius, the melting point of steel; however, Jet fuel reaches temperatures of up to 815.5 degrees.

According to this controversial theory, sSecondary explosives would have been detonated further down the towers, causing damage to the lower floors and both lobbies.

That would explain the smoke emanating from lower levels and the alleged noise heard by witnesses.

Twin Towers: Tower 7 was intentionally demolished because it was a command center

Although Tower 7 was not part of the so-called twin tower complex, the World Trade Center at the Pentagon, Shanksvillethis building also collapsed.

According to theory, this was another controlled collapse to demolish the 47-story building that supposedly served as a command center.

This building suffered serious damage as it was close to the buildings that were victims of the terrorist attack, and there were even fires on several floors that lasted around 7 hours.

At 5:20 p.m. local time on 9/11, Tower 7 collapsed, but there were no casualties, as its occupants and all rescue teams had been evacuated.

According to the authorities’ report, this was the first tall structure to collapse due to fire damage, raising questions about the reason for its collapse.

The 5 most controversial theories about the 9/11 terrorist attack and what has been said about them

Attack on the Twin Towers (screenshot)

Twin Towers: The Pentagon was attacked by a missile and not a plane

A third theory about the terrorist attack on the twin towers points out that American missiles or a small plane were fired to the World Trade Center, not a Boeing 757.

This missile was aimed at the Pentagon as part of a government plot. because, according to the theory, the hole left by the attack was too small to have been caused by a passenger plane.

Furthermore, to support this controversial theoryit was stated that in the images that were released, no remains of the fuselage, wings or seats could be seen, while in the only video made public by the United States government, what impacted the building cannot be clearly seen.

Twin Towers: The attack was a strategy as an excuse to start a war

Another theory states that the attack on the twin towers It was a strategy of then-President George Bush to justify a war as well as subsequent interventions in countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq.

While the official investigation concluded that Al Qaedaa jihadist group was the author of the terrorist attacks, the theory states that this was planned to “generate noise” and declare a war against Iraq, as Buch highlighted that in this country Osama Bin Laden “was hiding something.”

In addition, Bin Laden denied responsibility for the attacks in a statement to Al Jazeera television, although a video was later released in which he allegedly admitted responsibility.

Attack on the Twin Towers

Attack on the Twin Towers (screenshot)

Twin Towers: Flight 93 was shot down by the military

In another vein, there are conspiracy theories that claim that United Airlines Flight 93, infiltrated by four members of Al-Qaedaintended to crash it into the Capitol, was shot down by the United States Army.

This flight ended up crashing into a rural area of ​​Pennsylvania because the passengers struggled with the terrorists to thwart the attack.

According to this theory related to the 9/11 terrorist attack As for the twin towers, it was not civilians who prevented the attack, but the army shot them down with a missile from a US Air Force fighter plane.

However, the government refused to accept responsibility for the crash of the plane so as not to take responsibility for civilian casualties.

2024-09-12 17:51:23

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