The 50 Best Hospitals in the World (Updated 2023)

by time news
  • For the fifth consecutive year, Newsweek magazine and the Statista database conducted an investigation to identify the best hospitals in the world.
  • To obtain the results, more than 2,300 hospitals from 28 different countries were analyzed, including one that was taken into account for the first time: Taiwan.
  • The only Latin American that appears among the first 50 places is the Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital in Brazil.

Despite the fact that health consists of teamwork, there is always curiosity to know the names of the best hospitals in the world The objective is to identify the most outstanding institutions to determine what can be replicated in other parts of the world. But do you know which hospitals appear in the most recent version of this type of ranking?

First of all, a serious problem that is observed is that a strong disparity prevails between nations. To put it in context, the World Health Organization (WHO) points out that one in four hospitals lack basic services such as water. Most are located in African nations and complicate the work of all health elements.

At the same time, another of the barriers is that Not all nations give the same importance to the field of health. Only in the Nordic countries the investment for this item is usually 10 percent of the Gross domestic product (GDP) of each one. In contrast, in countries like Mexico the figure is barely 2.6 percent.

With this in mind, although new technological equipment is constantly being developed, it is usually not within the reach of all institutions. Most of the occasions are exclusive to private spaces.

The best hospitals in the world

Returning to the central theme, annually the magazine Newsweek and global data signature Statesman publish the results of the study with the best hospitals in the world. For the work of this 2023, more than 2,300 hospitals from 28 different countries were analyzed, including one that was taken into account for the first time: Taiwan.

To reach the final results, more than 80,000 surveys were carried out focused on three general parameters:

  • Recommendations from medical experts (doctors, hospital managers, health professionals).
  • Results of patient surveys.
  • Performance of physicians in hospitals.

In the end it was obtained that the 50 best hospitals in the world are the following.

  1. Mayo Clinic – Rochester – United States
  2. Cleveland Clinic – United States
  3. Massachusetts General Hospital – United States
  4. The Johns Hopkins Hospital – United States
  5. Toronto General – University Health Network – Canadá
  6. Karolinska University Hospital – Suecia
  7. Charité – University Medicine Berlin – Germany
  8. AP-HP – Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital – France
  9. Singapore General Hospital – Singapur
  10. UCLA Health – Ronald Reagan Medical Center – United States
  11. Sheba Medical Center – Israel
  12. University Hospital Zurich – Suiza
  13. University Hospital Heidelberg – Germany
  14. Vaud University Hospital Center – Suiza
  15. University Hospital Basel – Suiza
  16. Stanford Health Care – Stanford Hospital – United States
  17. The University of Tokyo Hospital – Japan
  18. Brigham And Women’s Hospital – United States
  19. AP-HP – Georges Pompidou European Hospital – France
  20. Klinikum Rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich – Alemania
  21. Northwestern Memorial Hospital – United States
  22. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre – Canadá
  23. The Mount Sinai Hospital – United States
  24. Aarhus University Hospital – Denmark
  25. New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia and Cornell – United States
  26. Mount Sinai Hospital – Canada
  27. Rigshospitalet – Copenhagen – Dinamarca
  28. St. Luke’s International Hospital – Japón
  29. Asan Medical Center- South Korea
  30. General Hospital of the City of Vienna – Medical University Campus – Austria
  31. LMU Klinikum – Alemania
  32. Hannover Medical School – Germany
  33. University of Michigan Hospitals – United States
  34. Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein – Brazil
  35. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center – United States
  36. Amsterdam WBU – The Netherlands
  37. Oslo University Hospital – Norway
  38. A. Gemelli University Hospital – Italy
  39. Helsinki University Hospital – Finland
  40. Samsung Medical Center – South Korea
  41. Lille University Hospital – Claude-Huriez Hospital – France
  42. St Thomas’ Hospital – UK
  43. University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf – Germany
  44. UCSF Medical Center United States – United States
  45. Duke University Hospital – United States
  46. UMC Utrecht – Netherlands
  47. Kameda Medical Center – Japan
  48. UZ Leuven – Belgium
  49. Seoul National University Hospital – Corea del Sur
  50. Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania – United States

According to those in charge of the study, the aim of this study is to provide a data-driven comparison of the reputation and performance of hospitals across countries. With this, it is hoped that the information will be useful for patients and for the health professionals themselves.

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