Organized jointly by the Royal Moroccan Federation of School Sports (FRMSS), and the Regional Academy of Education and Training (AREF) of Oriental in partnership with the Royal Moroccan Athletics Federation (FRMA), this event sports will be marked by the participation of 864 students born in 2004-2005, 2006-2007, 2008-2009, 2010-2011 and who qualified for the final phases of this championship, indicates a press release from the ministry.
Some 80,000 students from several regions of the Kingdom were able to take part in the provincial and regional qualifiers held at the different academies, it is specified, noting that this tournament will be organized in two stages, the first of which (boys category) will take place from December 4 to 6, while the 2nd stage (girls category) will be organized from December 6 to 8.
According to the same source, the holding of this sporting event is part of the ministry’s efforts to diversify and generalize sporting practice, and to make the school sports association the main breeding ground for sporting talents, in accordance with framework law 51.17, the new development model and the 2022-2026 roadmap for a quality public school for all.
The school sports program for this year, which includes 46 sports, is based on a set of principles, including territorial justice, inclusive education, gender equality, diversification and generalization of the educational and school sports offer. , environmental preservation and sustainability, as well as the promotion of cultural heritage.
These national championships crown the efforts made by all those involved in school sport, in particular physical education and sports teachers at the local, provincial and regional levels, who contributed to the supervision of students who distinguished themselves through their skills. and sporting talents during the elimination phases.
In order to achieve this deadline, adds the press release, efforts have been made at the central and local level to ensure accommodation and reception conditions for students, their supervisors, and other participants, in addition to FRMA technicians. to attend these competitions as a means of prospecting for future champions.
2024-09-28 16:17:19