The 6 foods that most harm teeth

by time news

Although brushing teeth after meals or using mouthwashes frequently can reduce the risk of cavities and that dental enamel is damaged, there are a series of foods that, consumed regularly, can also be a risk to dental health.


  • Dentist and founder of P&P Clinic. Specialized in Surgery, Implants and Dental Aesthetics.

Far from falling into an obsession with having an aesthetic and perfect smile, if it is necessary to know which foods have important consequences for the oral health and, in case of abusing them, moderate their consumption. Although brushing teeth after meals or using mouthwashes frequently can reduce the risk of cavities and that dental enamel is damaged, there are a series of foods that, consumed regularly, can also be a risk to dental health.

1. Candies and treats

One of the most damaging are hard candies and jelly beans. They have a high sugar content, one of the most cariogenic foods that exist, facilitate enamel erosion by causing a corrosive acid It weakens the tooth.

Manual toothbrushes do not remove all interdental dirt and bacteria from our mouth.

Its regular consumption also facilitates the appearance of cavities since it allows different bacteria such as lactobacilli, actinomycetes and streptococci to accumulate and hagan bajar el pH, causing demineralization of enamel.

2. Industrial juices and acid drinks

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Sugar is once again the main reason that these foods are harmful to both dental and general health. Both juices, energy drinks or soft drinks contain different acids such as carbonic, citric or phosphoric They are capable of progressively dissolving tooth enamel.

3. Foods based on refined flour or a lot of starch

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Products like pasta with refined flours (pizzas, industrial confectionery,…) or food with one high starch content They may be other responsible for the appearance of cavities since it is frequent that they may contain sucrose.

Other damage that they can cause, for example in the case of popcorn, are damage to the gums or palate.

4. Vinegar

Vinegar is a good grease remover and very useful for cleaning windows and coffee makers, but its use is not recommended for the floor, since its acid could damage it, especially on wooden floors.

If sugar damages enamel, acetic acid is not far behind. With important antiseptic and disinfectant properties, this acid can cause abrasions on the enamel, contributing to the demineralization of the tooth.

Good oral cleaning habits can prevent periodontitis.

5. Café

Coffee where you want and when you want in an easy way.

Coffee is one of the most consumed foods on a daily basis, many times, in large quantities. Although it does not entail significant inconveniences, it is important to be aware that oral health can be affectedespecially when we abuse this drink.

The main effects on the smile are changes in the enamel coloring, caused by coffee tannins. In addition, taking it excessively can also affect the breathcausing a bad smell due to the dehydration that its consumption can produce.

6. Vino

glass of wine
glass of wine

In relation to the enamel of the teeth and its tone, wine is another of the drinks that can negatively alter it.

Just like coffee tannins in wine can stick to teeth and cause stains. For its part, white wine is not better either, since it is much more acidic than red.

About 35% of the population does not develop wisdom teeth, so they do not have to worry about whether they come in correctly or not.

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