The 6 most common respiratory diseases during winter

by time news

2023-12-06 19:00:23

The end of the year is one of the most desired times by the population due to the festivities it involves. The arrival of Christmas is linked to family gatherings and days of rest. Although not everything is favorable because there are some respiratory diseases that are the most common during this period, do you know what they are?

Due to the cold that prevails in the northern hemisphere, it is common for people to remain locked in their homes and work spaces. Since there is no natural ventilation, there is a greater concentration of Virus and bacteria in the environment, which leaves everyone exposed.

Respiratory diseases dominate medical consultations during winter

According to official data from the Ministry of Health (SSa)in the winter season respiratory diseases They lead the reasons for medical consultations nationwide. In 2022, there were 16 million 118 thousand 536 cases registered during the year, not counting the 3 million 195 thousand 409 cases of Covid-19 diagnosed. The figure is almost six times more than other common conditions such as those of the urinary tract.

“Winter not only brings with it colder weather, but also an increase in the transmission of various viruses that make it crucial that the population is informed and prepared to face the annual challenge, since in the face of the threat of other diseases such as influenza, viruses respiratory syncytial or Covid, it is important to have prevention mechanisms and timely care to avoid massive infections,” says Paulina Mejía, Biological Pharmaceutical Chemistry (QFB) of Kabla.

What are the most common respiratory diseases during winter?

An important point to note is that the respiratory diseases They can occur at any time of the year, although there are some that are more common throughout the winter season. For this reason, it is worth knowing the following list and the symptoms of each pathology.

Influenza: It is caused by the virus of the same name and causes symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough, and general malaise. Its contagion is rapid and can become complicated in vulnerable populations, so at this time, with seasonal influenza, vaccination is recommended, which is free in health centers.
Common cold: Although it is less serious, it is characterized because it is highly contagious and its symptoms include nasal congestion, sneezing and sore throat. Although it does not usually have major implications, preventing it will save people from having a bad time this holiday season.
Bronchiolitis: Inflammation of the small airways. It is characterized because it causes difficulty breathing, coughing and wheezing. This disease requires special attention in minors and newborns.
Viral pneumonia: Severe lung infection, with symptoms such as high fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Unlike the previous ones, this one may require hospitalization depending on the case. Timely diagnosis and treatment are key to avoiding complications.
COVID-19: Although there are already vaccines available, the risk of infections and complications remains current. In addition to basic indications such as the use of face masks and avoiding crowded places, it is also recommended to receive a booster dose of immunization to reduce the risk of complications in case of infection.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus: It is a common virus that causes infections of the respiratory system, usually with mild cold-like symptoms such as cough, congestion, and fever. It can also cause more serious problems such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia in babies, older people, and those with pre-existing medical conditions. It is easily transmitted through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes and is particularly prevalent during the winter months.

Prevention in respiratory diseases most common is crucial to avoid infections and, especially, complications. Screening tests help identify the presence of viruses early, facilitating timely treatment and reducing the chance of spread.

Likewise, early diagnosis is essential to control the spread of the diseases. most common respiratory diseasesespecially in closed environments such as schools and workplaces.

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