The 90th minute will stop the ‘Ben Gabir campaign’: this is the compensation you will pay

by time news

The 90th minute from the Visa Max Market (90th minute photo)

The 90th minute will immediately remove any advertisement that offers a financial benefit for voting in general or voting for a specific list, after a complaint was filed against it that a benefit of NIS 150 was offered if the recipient of the benefit voted for Itamar Ben Gabir. The subject of the petition is an ad of the predicted 90th minute for an offer for a cash voucher for voting in the elections for a certain list. MK Moshe Arbel claims in his petition that this is a violation of Section 122 of the Knesset Elections Law. The Ninety Minute Ltd claims on the other hand that this is a “provocative commercial campaign”.

As mentioned, the petition was accepted, and the ninetieth minute will bear the petitioner’s expenses in the amount of NIS 20,000. In his decision, Judge Amit writes: “…the first sentence in the respondent’s publication – the “provocative teaser” in the respondent’s language – “The 90th minute chooses ___! Click now to receive a voucher worth NIS 150″, its language is explicit and clear and does not require any interpretation”.

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He further added: “The explained person who encountered this sentence, when it is combined with the name of a candidate at the head of a certain list, cannot but interpret it according to the provision of the law: “The giver or offerer of a bribe in order to influence a voter to vote or refrain from voting, in general or in favor of a list certain candidates”.

Judge Amit continued: “It’s not for nothing that the Election Commission’s public inquiries hotline received many inquiries regarding this matter, from those who saw the publication as an offer to literally bribe elections. It seems that even the respondent in her arguments does not claim otherwise. The respondent claims that anyone who clicks on this “teaser” and comes to the landing page, immediately understands one way or another. However, this late understanding, which requires clicking on the “teaser”, does not change the simple fact that in the eyes of the explained reader, the respondent “offers a bribe in order to influence a voter to vote or refrain from voting, at all or in favor A certain list of candidates”.

Therefore the petition is accepted, the 90th minute will immediately remove any advertisement that offers a financial benefit for voting in general, or voting for a specific list, all as detailed in my decision. It must be regretted that the respondent did not heed the notices she received, and under the circumstances of the violation, the respondent]= The Ninety Minute Ltd[willbeartheexpensesofthepetitionerMKArbelintheamountofNIS20thousand.

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