The A-68 iceberg is larger than Singapore or Luxembourg. An urgent mission of scientists is being prepared – Ansa /Courier TV
Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey program are preparing for an urgent mission to the world’s largest iceberg. According to the Guardian, researchers plan to fly to the Falklands on January 11, quarantine to ensure they are free of the novel coronavirus, and then embark on a three-day trip to the iceberg aboard the ship. researcher RRS James Cook. The huge mass of ice broke away from Antarctica’s Larsen C shelf in July 2017. It glided across the open ocean for over two years, until it met the Circumpolar Current that surrounds the continent. At 4,200 square kilometers, the A-68 iceberg (larger than Singapore or Luxembourg) has embarked on a slow journey towards potential disaster. It is heading for an Antarctic island teeming with wildlife, including millions of birds, seals and penguins. The island of South Georgia could be reached in a few days by destroying its underwater life. Or stay on his side, staying there for over ten years before melting. This could prevent some of the island’s 2 million penguins from reaching the waters to feed their young. Freshwater melting could also make the waters inhospitable to phytoplankton and other creatures in the food chain. Antarctica is one of the fastest-warming places on Earth. Temperatures in the South Pole have risen three times the global average over the past three decades.