The Academy reopens its Gallery Three hundred works returned to the city

by time news

noonApril 6, 2022 – 10:08 pm

It is called Gan and also houses many artifacts kept in the deposits

Of Melania Guida

The Galleria dell’Accademica di Napoli (GAN) reopens with the careful rearrangement and some precious acquisitions. About 300 works including drawings, sculptures, paintings, photographs and installations, which from the seventeenth to the twentieth century tell of an extraordinary heritage returned to the academic community and to the city. A great museum that restores a common history through a great narrative – explains Marco Di Capua, curator together with Federica De Rosa, during the presentation press conference – which we have made as clear as possible to make the viewer understand everything, aware that many museums on the contrary, they set up to confuse the user. A long work carried out with the advice and under the high supervision of the Archaeological Superintendence of Fine Arts and Landscape for the Municipality of Naples, which was carried out, with the installation by Lucio Turchetta and the visual design by Enrica D’Aguanno. With the aim of highlighting the immense artistic heritage of the Institution: a heritage that is only partially known, for a long time preserved in the deposits and now widely presented and expanded thanks to a complex rearrangement of the works and rooms of the Gallery. A museum that was born at the end of the nineteenth century, a museum of artists, for artists and for the city. A sort of compensation, in short, for a history, that of Neapolitan and European art, which has not always been valued as it would have deserved. A beautiful day, therefore, Wednesday 6 which saw, after dark months, the Aula Magna of the Academy happily packed. The Mayor Gaetano Manfredi, the director of the Renato Lori Academy, the director of the Ministry of the Marcella Gargano University were among the speakers. A wonderful thing – underlined the president Rosita Marchese – which rewards work that comes from afar.


After the establishment of the first permanent nucleus wanted by Palizzi in 1821, a series of openings and closings, the GAN had finally reopened in 2005 with the vast collection belonging to the Academy. Subsequently a series of structural problems, infiltrations for the most part, had then made it necessary to close the space, four years ago. The exhibition itinerary opens, the series of faces that have made the history of the Academy. In particular those of Filippo Palizzi and Domenico Morelli, portrayed respectively by Achillle d’Orsi and Vincenzo Gemito. Portraits and self-portraits (among others, that of Costanza Lorenzetti, Tommaso Solari and Stanislao Lista) able to tell a nostalgic as we were.

The seventeenth century

The oldest part of the collection is a group of 28 paintings, a source of inspiration for the teachers and students of the Academy. Among the masterpieces, a year ago, the return of the two canvases depicting the Wedding at Cana and the San Luca painting the Madonna assigned respectively to Luca Giordano and to the circle of Jusepe de Ribera. Basically, the gymnasium of the Academy. Studies from the statue, anatomy and the Nude School document evidence and essays from the School and Retired. The two canvases that put Domenico Morelli and Saverio Altamura to the test are extraordinary.

From the nineteenth to the twentieth century

The historical portrait and the works of the protagonists of Neapolitan realism and realism. From Bernardo Celentano to Antonio Mancini. Then the birth of the chair of landscape painting in Naples held from 1824 by Anton Sminck van Pitloo and from 1838 by Gabriele Smargiassi. There are the different souls of the Neapolitan nineteenth century: from historicism to symbolism, from social realism to realism. A small section dedicated to the East is precious, a significant source of attraction and inspiration. The twentieth century runs in chronological order. With the most vital experiences that mark the transition from the 1950s to the early 2000s. Like those of Manlio Giarrizzo, Emilio Greco and Emilio Notte to then get to the works of Spinosa, Barisani, Pisani, Tatafiore, Di Bello, Persico, De Stefano, Waschimps and Lippi. Up to the more recent ones by Stefanucci, Rezzuti, Longobardi, Jodice and Donato. The female presence is rich with the works of Mathelda Baltresi, Marisa Ciardiello, Loredana D’Argenio, Rosaria Matarese, Rosa Panaro, Clara Rezzuti and Maria Paliggiano.

La knows

The white space at the end of the gallery is dedicated to Lea Vergine, a Neapolitan art critic and essayist. It will host presentations and small contemporary art exhibitions. Like the one that will be dedicated to Marisa Albanese, a Neapolitan artist who recently passed away. One of his works – reveals Di Capua – will later be acquired by the Academy. Not having “La Gioconda”, the first step to make us more attractive and to expand the collection.

April 6, 2022 | 22:08

© Time.News

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