The Advantages of Eyelid Surgery: A Conversation with Dr. Tzach Sharoni

by time news

2024-01-31 23:53:40

It happens to everyone with age. The skin around the eyes wears out, and as a result excess skin accumulates in the area of ​​the upper eyelids, giving the eyes a dull and tired look, which sometimes also harms the field of vision. According to Dr. Tzach Sharoni, a specialist in plastic surgery, the solution to the problem is simple and easy: a short and safe eyelid surgery, with almost no complications, performed under local anesthesia only. And the eyes? They will return to shining and smiling

Published on: 1.2.24 01:51

By: Michal Gilat

In collaboration with Dr. Tzach Sharoni

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The aging process of the face is a natural process that occurs gradually. Over the years the skin and the tissues underneath it sag and wrinkles and excess skin appear. This is especially noticeable in the eye area. With age, the skin around the eyes wears out, and as a result, excess skin accumulates in the area of ​​the upper eyelids, giving the eyes a tired look. The best solution for this situation is eyelid surgery, and we talked about this with Dr. Tzach Sharoni, an expert in plastic surgery, owner of a private clinic in Haifa.

Dr. Sharoni, what is upper eyelid surgery?

“Upper eyelid surgery is one of the simplest and most common cosmetic surgeries in the world. It can be performed under local anesthesia, during which only the excess skin above the upper eyelid is removed. You can compare the operation to removing a mole. That is, it is a very simple, very short operation, with almost no complications , and much less scary than other plastic surgeries. Sometimes, during the surgery, accumulated fats are also discovered under the excess skin that was removed. In that case, we remove them as well.”

Eyelid surgery, before and after (photos: courtesy of Dr. Tsach Sharoni)

According to Dr. Sharoni, excess skin on the upper eyelids can, at times, also constitute a medical problem in addition to being an aesthetic defect, since there are cases when the excess skin “rides” on the upper eyelids and crosses the eyelashes, resulting in a significant disturbance in the field of vision. In such a case, surgery upper eyelids, not only treats the aesthetic problem and rejuvenates the appearance of the eyes, but also immeasurably improves the vision problem. In such a case, the surgery is recognized by the health funds and insurance companies as a medical surgery.

Dr. Sharoni wishes to emphasize that the common name for this surgery, “eyelid lift”, is inaccurate, and stems from confusion between upper eyelid surgery and eyebrow lift surgery. According to him, in upper eyelid surgery, the eyebrows are not lifted. The two surgeries can be combined, but a lift surgery Real eyebrows require separation of the forehead skin and removal of skin at the hairline or scalp, and it is a more complex operation that requires general anesthesia, and this is a completely different opera.

Eyelid surgery, before and after (photos: courtesy of Dr. Tsach Sharoni)

Is eyelid surgery considered a safe surgery?

“Eyelid surgery is the surgery that makes the most difference in the least amount of time. It takes at most an hour, and its complication rate is very, very low. It is a simple, easy and safe surgery, and therefore, it is also highly recommended. In this surgery, which, as mentioned, can be performed under local anesthesia only, only the excess skin is removed, and there is no interference with the vision, the drainage of the tears or any other medical thing.”

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And what does the recovery process include?

“In the first week after the operation, there are hemorrhages and edema, and it is recommended not to leave the house like this, because it simply does not look good, and if you do leave the house, then just wear big sunglasses. In any case, there is almost no pain. Usually, after a week, the stitches are removed , and during this week the situation improves significantly. At this stage, you can hide the few remaining hemorrhages with make-up and return to activity. The perfect final result is obtained a few months after the operation, when the appearance of the eye becomes more open and younger.”

At what age is eyelid surgery recommended?

“The surgery is recommended for anyone who suffers from excess skin on the upper eyelids. Usually, these are women aged 50 or older, but there are also younger women, whose excess skin is due to a genetic problem. One of the most common complaints is that ‘makeup smears’, and as soon as it happens, it has arrived Time for surgery.”

Dr. Tzach Sharoni (Photo: Ronen Fedida)

About Dr. Tsach Sharoni

Dr. Tzach Sharoni (52) is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion in Haifa and the Department of Plastic Surgery at the Rambam Medical College.

Today, Dr. Sharoni is one of the team of experts in the Department of Plastic Surgery at the Rambam Medical College, and he coordinates the treatment in the field of birth defects. Dr. Sharoni is involved in volunteer activities with the global organization Operation Smile, in which he analyzes many cases of birth defects around the world. Part of the private clinic’s income is donated to the organization Operation Smile to finance the activities in needy countries.

Dr. Sharoni has been running a thriving private clinic in Haifa for 12 years with a clientele from all over the country.

To Dr. Tsach Sharoni’s website >>>

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