The aesthetic offers for ‘Black Friday’

by time news

2023-11-11 02:05:02

On the last Friday of the month of November (this year, the 24th) the Black Friday. It is a moda imported from Anglo-Saxon culture and which seeks to find the maximum offer in many products and services; and a practice that is spreading more and more and has reached the field of Aesthetic medicine.

It is attractive to obtain one of these treatments at the best price, and one cheaper than usual, but is this really safe for the patient? Will the most suitable products be used for each case? Thus, there are numerous clinics that, taking advantage of this important date, launch offers on aesthetic medicine products and treatments, despite the fact that, for example, the code of ethics rejects discount campaigns on any medical treatment.

Aesthetic medicine is a medical treatment

The code of ethics rejects discount campaigns on any medical treatment

And, as reported by the specialist in Aesthetic Medicine, Dr. Dina Moctezuma, Aesthetic medicine, unfortunately, has become a beauty service in recent years. and the notion that it is a medical treatment has been lost in many centers. “Medical treatments, such as those of aesthetic medicine, must be indicated by a doctor, who, analyzing the specific characteristics of the patient, will advise a procedure to follow, and with certain medicines and products, which by law cannot be advertised, nor made in promotions, because it is a medical indication. Health is increasingly aware of the centers that do so and fines regarding Black Friday discounts,” he warns.

This specialist in aesthetic medicine insists that These treatments are not for everyone.but always each case must be individualized and know the needs of each patient. “Then the product with which this procedure is going to be carried out is evaluated, in which area, and if the patient has a health condition that allows him to have that medication,” he maintains.

Not all products have the same quality

Here the doctor highlights that there are products of different qualities, and that There are many centers that take advantage of these offers to use the low-end onesand that may not have all the permissions and safety features for the patient, and with the consequent serious consequencessuch as inflammations, allergies or infections, including the need to correct what has been done with other interventions.

“There can be inflammatory processes, allergic reactions. In many cases these can be the result of not using the best quality products, but choosing those of lower purity, which contain preservatives, for example, and which undermine the purity and quality of the product. There are laboratories that are purer than others and it is the doctor who will know how to indicate it,” insists the expert.

In hyaluronic acids there is the enzyme that eliminates it, but when the product is not of good quality, the body does not finish eliminating it and those aesthetic disasters remain, those ugly lips and it is more difficult to solve

Products that in the long run can generate a rejection of the body towards the product, with very poor integration, and that can be displaced, as in the case of hyaluronic acid, which, since it does not have a high degree of purity, takes longer to eliminate and if a reaction occurs in the patient, it is more difficult to solve.

“In hyaluronic acids there is the enzyme that eliminates it, but when the product is not of good quality, the body does not finish eliminating it and those aesthetic disasters remain, those ugly lips. When the patient comes to have it fixed because It is a poor quality product and they carry large quantities, it is very difficult to eliminate it,” the expert reiterates.

Recommendations to follow

“In these clinics with Black Friday They don’t look to see if the patient needs that treatment, and there is a greater risk of there being a problem,” the doctor denounces, thus underlining the importance of When a person goes to a professional or aesthetic doctor, he or she must inform them of the treatment to follow, know the characteristics of the product that is going to be infiltrated, and what its effects are..

In general terms it is recommended:

Check that you are going to a qualified and authorized professional. Be wary if the price is much lower than the market average. Explain to the doctor what we want to achieve with the intervention and ensure that he or she has understood it. That the patient comes with the desire to take care of himself but let himself be advised by the specialist doctor, in this case in Aesthetic Medicine. Ensure that the products used are of quality and obtained through the official channel. Do not undergo any treatment without first knowing all the details of it, as well as its possible risks and complications. Choosing the product to use, there are very good brands and some better than others, and let the doctor inform you about which ones are the best; Good quality products in this field usually come with informational seals about their ingredients. That it does not go so much by the price of the medical treatments, but by the clinic and the doctor who is going to perform the procedure, and always make sure they are competent. Always remember that aesthetic medicine treatments are medical and as such they should be advised, they are not à la carte treatments, generalized for everyone, because many times problems arise by placing things that they do not want or taking an offer that they do not need.
#aesthetic #offers #Black #Friday

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