The age limit of the president and the attorney general of the supreme court increases from 65 to 68 years – Info Mali

by time news

2023-05-01 20:11:07

The National Transitional Council adopted this weekend five bills, including the legislative text governing the function of magistrate.

This bill was adopted by 126 votes for, 2 against and 4 abstentions. The bill establishing the national directorate of human rights was adopted by 132 votes for 0 against and 1 abstention Yesterday, the members of the National Transitional Council (CNT) examined and adopted five bills. The plenary session, which was held in the Djélibaba Sissoko room of the Bamako International Conference Center, was chaired by Assarid Ag Imbarcaouane, 1st vice-president of the legislative body.

The first text examined is the draft law ratifying Ordinance No. 2022-020/PT-RM of December 29, 2022 amending Law No. 02-54 of December 16, 2002 as amended, on the status of the judiciary. Initiated by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, it was defended in his place by his colleague for Reconciliation, Peace and National Cohesion, in charge of the Agreement for Peace and National Reconciliation , Colonel-Major Ismaël Wagué. From the report of the Committee on Constitutional Laws, Legislation, Justice, Human Rights and Institutions of the Republic seized for the study on the merits, it appears that the Supreme Court is the highest court of the State in judicial, administrative and accounts matters. Under the terms of the provisions of article 101 of law n°02-054 of December 16, 2002 amended on the status of the judiciary, the age limit for judges is 65 years.

Given the important attributions with which they are invested, the President and the Attorney General of the Supreme Court contribute to the sustainability of the governance of the institution. With this ordinance, the age limit for magistrates subject to this statute is 65 years. However, this age limit is raised to 68 for magistrates holding the office of President and Prosecutor of the Supreme Court.

This text was adopted by 126 votes for, 2 against and 4 abstentions. The second text examined is the draft law ratifying Ordinance No. 2023-005/PT-RM of February 10, 2023 creating the national human rights directorate. also, initiated by the Minister in charge of Justice, he was defended in his place by Colonel-Major Ismaël Wagué.

SOVEREIGN ROLE OF THE STATE- According to the report of the CNT’s Laws commission, at the institutional level, there are a number of actors involved in the promotion and protection of human rights in Mali. Despite the diversity of stakeholders in the field, there is not yet in our country an administrative structure responsible for carrying out the missions of the State in this area. The creation of the national human rights directorate will therefore enable the government to have, on the one hand, a central service to develop elements of national policy in this area and, on the other hand, to have a permanent structure. responsible for developing, coordinating and implementing programs and action plans in the area of ​​human rights, contributing to the development of national legal instruments in this area and their popularization, ensuring the implementation of all actions and measures aimed at the promotion and protection of human rights.

For the president of the Lois commission of the CNT, Dr. Souleymane Dé, there is the National Commission for Human Rights in Mali (CNDH). But for him, this independent administrative authority is created on the basis of a United Nations resolution and it operates on very specific rules which are not necessarily those of Mali. Colonel-Major Ismaël Wagué specified that human rights have always been a priority issue for the State. According to him, with the national human rights policy implemented a few years ago and the action plan, the creation of this department will enable the State to assert itself better in this sovereign role of human rights management. of Man.

This bill was adopted by 132 votes for 0 against and 1 abstention. Two other bills were defended by the Minister of Rural Development Modibo Keïta. This is firstly the bill ratifying Ordinance No. 2022-021/PT-RM of December 30, 2022 authorizing the ratification of the loan agreement signed in Lomé on December 16, 2022 between the government and the West African Development Bank (BOAD) for the partial financing of the emergency food security stock reconstitution project for the 2023 financial year. With this first loan agreement, BOAD is making available to Mali, a loan of 25 billion CFA francs which will be repaid over a period of 13 years including a deferred period of 3 years. The objective of the project is to contribute to food and nutritional security, the reconstitution of the national security stock, the State intervention stock and the food security stock of the Economic Community of African States. West (ECOWAS) respectively up to 35,000 tons of cereals, 25,000 tons of rice and 7,500 tons of cereals.

The text was adopted by 128 votes for, 3 against and 6 abstentions. The second text defended by Minister Modibo Keïta is the bill ratifying Ordinance No. 2023-004/PT-RM of February 09, 2023 authorizing the ratification of the loan agreement signed in Lomé on December 1, 2022 between the government and BOAD for the partial financing of the Timbuktu rice plains development project. Through this financing agreement, BOAD also makes available to our country a loan of 8 billion CFA francs, the repayment of which will be made over a period of 18 years, including a deferred period of 4 years.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the reduction of poverty of the populations of the area and to the improvement of their living conditions. It relates, among other things, to the rehabilitation and extension of the perimeters of Korioumé by 430 hectares, Daye by 417 hectares and Hamadja by 620 hectares.

This text was adopted by 132 votes for, 0 against and 0 abstentions. Finally, the members of the CNT adopted the bill ratifying Ordinance No. 2023-001/PT-RM of January 12, 2023 establishing the Research and Training Center for Light and Textile Industries (Cerfiltex).

This text, defended by the Minister of Industry and Trade, Mahmoud Ould Mohamed, was initiated to correct the shortcomings observed in the application of the texts of the Research and Training Center for the Textile Industry (Cerfitex) for almost 20 years old. It was adopted by 133 votes for, 0 against and 0 abstentions. After the referral of the draft text on the creation of the Emergency Road Works Unit to the next meeting, the members of the CNT continued the work behind closed doors on the rereading of their rules of procedure.

The Rise

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