the agenda that renews the UIA

by time news

2023-06-21 03:13:48

The current president of the Argentine Industrial Union will be re-elected at the end of this month by a broad agreement of the main companies in the sector. He is already preparing the list of issues to be discussed with this and the next government. Access to productive inputs, financing and regulatory framework to promote investment, among the central points.

The Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) will renew authorities at the end of this month and by means of a unit list will confirm its current owner as head of the entity for two more years, Daniel Funes de Rioja. Sources of the manufacturing union anticipated Scope that the strengths of your schedule with the government will be access to inputs, fiscal pressure, macroeconomic stability and the level of informality. They propose creating a general framework of incentives to promote investment.

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The businessman and labor lawyer who has held the presidency since 2021 will be re-elected on June 29. He will obtain a new mandate after a broad agreement between heavyweights in the sector, such as Techint, Ledesma, Sinteplast, Cabrales and COPAL. This consensus that will leave Miguel Ángel Rodríguez as vice will result in a single list election.

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Beyond what happens with the electoral process at the national level, the UIA already has an agenda laid out with the main points to be dealt with with this and the next Government. Among them, the most frequent short-term topic in conversations between businessmen appears: access to imported inputs to produce, the famous “SIRAS”. Specifically, industrialists warn of difficulties in accessing fundamental products.

“We are very concerned about imports of inputs so as not to stop the industry and we know that the Government is too, that is why we say: let’s make a common effort,” they said from the manufacturing entity. At the same time, they detailed that there are sectors that demand more raw material than others, but that all products have a minimum “between 10% and 15% imported components”.

An official report that Ámbito could access shows that between January and May more than 88% of the requests made by importers were approved and that authorizations for purchases abroad had an increase of 14% year-on-year in dollars during the same period. In any case, in the Secretariat of Commerce, they recognize that there are inconveniences due to the shortage of foreign currency that are reflected above all in the item of capital goods and analyze changes for SMEs.

Structural issues also appear on the agenda of Daniel Funes de Rioja. The basis of these proposals, which range from macroeconomics to sectoral issues, is framed in the “White Paper for federal, sustainable and inclusive productive development” published by the Argentine Industrial Union in March 2022. The 76-page technical document points to “a comprehensive industrial policy, with State coordination at different levels aimed at improving the productive structure”.

The president of the UIA is based on a comparison with other G-20 countries of seven taxes: five national, one provincial and one municipal rate, to ensure that the effective tax pressure on the formal sector is “very high”. He also states that for any productive project it will be central to “recover macroeconomic stability, access to credit and twin surpluses”.

In the industrial sector, they identify a “horizon with opportunities in energy, mining, the knowledge economy, food and tourism.” But they warn that to take advantage of them it is necessary to “generate a climate of predictability and trust.” Along these lines, they propose to sanction a general regulatory framework that contains “incentives for investment and clear rules of the game.”

From the main industrial chamber they also propose measures to contemplate the new labor realities in education and promote professional training linked to the world of work, industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence. As well as the development of infrastructure in the provinces to generalize connectivity and improve logistics to lower costs.

#agenda #renews #UIA

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