The agreement between Bombo Fica and the Caupolicán Theater that put an end to their legal conflict – 2024-03-15 12:27:37

by times news cr

2024-03-15 12:27:37

The comedian had to face a lawsuit, after during 2023 he accused the venue of scamming him.

The comedian Daniel Fica, popularly known as Bombo Ficafinally put end to his legal conflict with he Caupolican Theater file a lawsuit against him for the crimes of insults and slander.

Was José Antonio Aravena, businessman and administrator of the venue, who made the decision to go to court, after the comedian accused in several media outlets of scamming him.

This happened last year, in the context of a event that would benefit the victims due to forest fires that affected the central-southern area of ​​the country at the beginning of 2023.

However, this Monday it was confirmed that both parties achieved a court agreement through the Seventh Guarantee Court, putting an end to their legal battle.

The complainant and representative of the Caupolican TheaterJosé Antonio Aravena, reported in a document that “This matter should not have gone to criminal courts.which was something that had to be resolved personally between the parties since it was due to a contractual misunderstanding.”

On the other hand, the comedian Bombo Fica signed a series of points with which it was agreed to close the case:

  • It was a mistake to bring this matter to the press and not solve it in conversation between gentlemen.
  • He clarifies to the public that he never had access to the money raised at the charity event.
  • Since there was no written contract between the parties, the discounts made were not known to Daniel Bombo Fica and that gave rise to bad interpretations.
  • That Daniel Bombo Stays He had no intention of offending the people who work at the Caupolicán Theater and regrets if anyone who works at the Theater felt offended. The intention was to clarify the destination of the money.
  • He also points out that won’t make jokes related to this matter.

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