The Air Force decided the battle, neither a Kizan scenario nor a plan from the army!

by time news

2023-04-16 15:37:58

A completely real war, no scenario or planning from the army
The green light is an external planning par excellence in which I take advantage of Hamidati’s stupidity!! .

The Air Force decided the battle
All of them are young officers who have nothing to do with the organization of the Islamic Movement. Rather, they were deported from Khartoum because they did not belong to the organization of the Islamic Movement, and they were exiled to the east in Port Sudan during the time of the Bashir regime. They were summoned by the current army commander to carry out the tasks of sorties against the Rapid Support militia.
It is known that there was a previous presence of the Egyptians some time ago in Meroe, north of Khartoum, to guard the control tower, with the presence of Egyptian MiG planes also at Meroe Airport. .
It is also known that the American embassy in Sudan is almost one of the largest embassies in Africa and the Middle East, to the extent that it has large sites and areas suitable for the landing and take-off of aircraft.
The statement of the American ambassador said that we will do as the Sudanese citizens do, and we will be inside the homes
The failure of the Sudanese leaders in every political stage with the arrangement of the framework in the current form and the process of structuring the army and integrating the rapid support is not the work of the Islamic movement! Because the Kizan is too cowardly to make a self-movement even if they can fill in the blanks wherever they are
As usual, after every adventure, we will hear tomorrow from Al-Kizan that the decision was made through the Operations Authority
But the truth is that the Air Force forces, led by officers so-and-so, are the ones who settled the rapid support escapes, in an attempt to infiltrate again. They will do so, but after things calm down.
Those Kizan who flee from their collective breakfast areas are too cowardly to fight
These voids that exist between the army and the Sudanese masses should not be left to them because the military institution is present in it. .
After this decisive operation by the army, all the militias in Khartoum will be merged or demobilized
Continuous sorties just for combing.
Marwa is in the hands of the armed forces
Intelligence statements of Rapid Support officers were exposed and appealed to return to the army
The expected scenario is the rise of new leaders in a new hierarchy for the army, and the armed forces will be restructured after the absence of rapid support, and the armed forces will be besieged by the border and the Sudanese street
Reading Al-Kizan from their one book, the series Fuel Crises, 9 Tawila, and the security chaos is a program that will not continue! .
The agreement will be between civilians, freedom and change, and the army
What is required is not to leave the vacuum because the army will not resolve the rapid support and say come, Kizan!!
The army, in order to strike support and end it at the required speed, took armored vehicles from Al-Zarq, which had a dispute with the armored corps, in an operation that neither Rapid Support nor Al-Kizan had a hand in! .
Hamidti was lured and he came very stupidly and brought all his forces into Khartoum and was beaten.
The Wagner file and the French agreement Chad Al-Burhan’s visit after Hamidti’s visit on the day of the beginning of the conflict
Blinken’s statement by the US Secretary of State that the situation in Sudan is fragile, but there are still opportunities for democratic transition that exist, read, “with a call to Hamdok when he was former Prime Minister of Sudan, where he had discussed with Hamdok the initiative to strengthen national unity and implement steps to establish a legislative council, reform the Sudanese armed forces and integrate The other forces in it to create one army.
This is how the Sudanese army took the green light to resolve the militia, provided that this story does not go on, giving the army the green light to resolve the rapid support.
As for the Kizan, the expected scenario is that it will be inside the army, and as soon as the liquidation of Thafila takes place tomorrow or the day after.
The rapid support solution and the postponement of the negotiations of the framework agreement
Which the army can’t evade.
The conflict does not concern civilians more than the amount that causes civilian damage, including deaths, injuries, and human and material losses among them as a result of the bloody clashes.
The victor on both sides is the final episode of this conflict, which will be a confrontation with the framework supported by the external factor in coordination with internal civil political forces and with the pulse of the street whose revolution has never subsided.
Based on specific information, Hamidti was the first to fall after signing the framework agreement, but he did not envision its end. It would be so stupid, arrogant, and reckless stupidity that is not commensurate with the theft of the gold of Jabal Amer.
In Port Sudan, Rapid Support personnel left khaki from the morning in El-Obeid, Karari, Nyala, Kosti and Damazin
The commander of the Rapid Support in the White Nile handed over all the camps to the army, the intelligence chief, Abu Meridat, handed over his entire unit to the army.
He turned himself in and said he was a fighter for the army.
clear breakthroughs
The scales are neither hard nor this strong, nor are my balls nor the solid mass of them with this ability
There is a set program that is implemented against their will, in which they have been employed as tools, and they have no choice but to do so.”
Dangerous planning for Hemedti’s situation and gave the army audacity that did not exist in it under the leadership of Al-Burhan, Kabashi and Yasser Al-Atta
Planning their own audacity gave them the green light
A planning that does not resemble the weakness and hesitation with which Al-Burhan managed the post-revolution period
The military institution is planted with suspicion and fear of each other in coups and undermining confidence by organizing the Kizan
Its current result is this fighting and racing in a media war, and statements from both sides, the army and the Rapid Support Forces, are intended for the street as an indication of fear.
A completely real war, no scenario or planning from the army
The green light is an external planning par excellence in which I took advantage of Hamidati’s stupidity!! .
The failure of the Kizanian coups in the recent period because there is no safety among the elements of the Islamic Movement organization, the Kizan, they have no solidity, but they are ready to support any line, infiltrate it and stand on its side without principles!
Closing the outlets of the hose is a natural thing by means of rapid support
But this is a really simple job that does not cost the army much effort, according to the military composition of this type in the rapid support weapon, its supply and supply, and its weapon consisting of a vehicle, three straps, and four people, one driver for communication, one for the cannon, each one with five machine gun magazines that will expire in a short time! .
The army cut off the support and supply located in the extension, which provides the Rapid Support Movements with ammunition and weapons. Thus, these basic forces of Hemedti’s forces were curtailed, and Hemedti was left to go to the leadership and the Republican Palace. .
Also, the Sports City building, which was previously handed over to him by the army, was bombed by air and was completely burned, leaving the Rapid Support Forces without a leader.
Abd al-Rahim Daglo was arrested and his cousin in the intelligence service turned himself in.
Soldiers fleeing from the Janjaweed militia will try to transfer the war to the neighborhoods, as Hemedti’s unbridled forces move in them in search of food and concealment. Many of his forces were seen as a result of fear, as they took off their military uniforms and covered themselves in civilian clothes.
As happened in Khartoum airport, there will be cases of looting and looting of the armed forces! .
Residential neighborhoods inside Khartoum, Bahri and Omdurman must be secured.
Beware that the Kizan finds a great opportunity for such actions in this atmosphere and chaos
Indeed, within the army and other regular agencies, there is a balance, but without power or organized leadership.
Armed movements no sense no news.
The message that reaches them through this long-range tactical action, and the goal is that neither the armed movements nor the Kizan can penetrate this process! Because that has now become a difficult task for them, despite the behavior and selfishness of the Kizan, and the stereotyped and opportunistic armed movements present in Khartoum.
This situation clearly shows that these armed groups and movements are on the sidewalk with regard to the military establishment.
In fact, all that the Kizan did previously was to introduce cheap personalities into that military establishment, starting from the first nucleus of a cell in the army, the Omar Hassan group, and they were escalated and supported to rank in the army at the helm of command.
People without a word and without personality were puppets and the plaything in the hands of the Kizan organization
The group that carried out and is carrying out the process of resolving the rapidly dispersed Rapid Support Forces are national military groups that have nothing to do with the organization of the Kizan, nor the Muslim Brotherhood in particular in the Air Force.
Salute to them inside the army
The question is when was the air force exploited to resolve a battle other than what was in the south? That did not happen
The army’s message to the Kizan is clear in the matter of protecting them in the hands of the army.
The question is, is there an organized work within the military establishment that is run by officers away from the futility of the Kizan? And as for the quick support issue? .
The answer is very clear in the absence of the analyzes and predictions of the media outlets of the Islamic Front, such as Hussein Khogli, the Indian Izz al-Din, Diaa al-Din Bilal, and others, whose statements we followed that Al-Burhan is their real enemy, and they were pushing for the army’s coup against him and turning the tables on him.
Al-Burhan himself in my numbers in his dealings with the Kizan is motivated by his personal ambition in this
The game of the tireless agreement, which was installed in the rapid support and in Al-Burhan.
Cancellation of Article Five of the Armed Forces Law in the subordination of Rapid Support.
Exploiting these points and including them in the framework, the subordination of the rapid support to the civilian prime minister and the appointment of its leader. Was it what led the army to move to resolve the rapid support, starting with “merger and then clash, war and confrontation, so that Hemedti found himself fighting the wind threatened by war crimes files and the extermination of villages in Darfur, so he went to agree to the merger operations with conditions Among them was the liquidation of Al-Kizan from the military establishment and the granting of an air base in the triangle between Libya, Egypt and Sudan. This was done after Ould Haftar’s visit to the Rapid Support Forces in Darfur, which confirms the dictation of external conditions to him.
The result has been exploited Hamidti successfully.
The Staff file The Americans care and their vision for the army The Emirati mediation for reconciliation between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, and Al-Burhan’s statement that bypassing the process of integrating the Rapid Support Forces is not possible because the weapon is placed in his head in exchange for that.
The process is the movement of the army away from the balance with this long-term policy that is not in the nature of Sudanese politicians, in which the Sudanese army will be restructured and the reform program for the military establishment will be completed, even if we disagree or agree on it from our points of view that do not agree in the first place, whether it is the left, the right, or the extreme right. .
The military institution that was in the Kizan period, which was brought together by religious and ideological factors, ended with differences among themselves and frequent divisions until it exhausted and weakened their state and entered into a global terrorism program!! When we find that these matters are in the same hierarchy, and in light of the existence of pockets of genetics within the army institution, and this military institution comes to resolve a conflict in five hours, this is conclusive evidence of the existence of a program that is being cooked on a slow fire by countries and global intelligence with a high degree of selectiveness of its interests inside Sudan in light of its complexities. and its current conditions
It is inconceivable that people such as Al-Houri, Al-Burhan, Ibrahim Jaber, Al-Kabashi, Yasser Al-Atta and their security advisors would have an appropriate degree of thought and awareness that would make the military institution coherent and continuous in this way, had it not been for the presence of someone who holds this contract and protects it from excess and Kizanian tampering.
Before the revolution, and in the last days of Al-Bashir, the United States had summoned a large group of Sudanese staff officers to Washington to be trained and prepared as leaders to be the successor to the government after the Al-Bashir regime, but due to their blatant affiliation with the Kizan movement, this issue failed, as among them were Awad bin Auf and Kamal Abdel-Maarouf.
Personally, I do not rule out that Hamdok is part of this scenario with the policy of long breath, which is very similar to Dr. Abdullah Hamdok.
So how do we explain Hamdok’s presence since his resignation in the UAE? Until his appearance yesterday, calling for Al-Burhan and Hamidti as a Sudanese citizen, and his appeal to them to tighten the voice of reason, as there is still a chance for peace, and his demand as well for the Sudanese people to cohesion
So, if the scheme went in this way, and the issue of rapid support was resolved, along with the armed movements, and the army was restructured with this long breath, and the conflicts and Kizanian outposts dissolved and disappeared forever, and their militias perished with fear and panic, and the army was formed far from the Kizan after their liquidation, with no evidence at all as a major actor, then in this case
It is likely that Hamdok’s return will be supported by the process of neutralizing the Egyptians from the Sudanese file.
The disappearance of the causes of non-transition and the basic democratic transition.
The November agreement between Burhan and Hamdok is similar to the framework
Juba Agreement Hamidti signed with the armed movements in Juba. The army was not a party to the constitutional document. On November 21, Hamdok gave powers to the army and the legitimacy of the framework.
The army has nothing to do with Juba’s agreement with the armed movements. The cancellation of Article 5 and the rapid support solution means ending the constitutional document that Hamidti signed and the Juba agreement with the movements.

#Air #Force #decided #battle #Kizan #scenario #plan #army

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