The Alan Pampallona journalism prize awarded –

by time news

2023-12-05 20:40:23

by Health Editorial Staff

The award, named in memory of the director of the Giancarlo Quarta Foundation, went to Nicoletta Carbone, Lidia Scognamiglio, Matteo Negri and Costanza Oliva, the jury president’s prize to Edoardo Rosati and the Quarta Foundation prize to Danilo di Diodoro

Nicoletta Carbone, author and voice of the radio program Objective Salute on Radio24, with an episode of Objective Salute Week end entitled The doctor-patient relationship which aired on 22 July 2023, won the first edition of the Alan Pampallona – Innovative Modalities development of the Doctor-Patient Relationship, promoted by the Giancarlo Quarta Onlus Foundation (FGQ) and aimed at journalists. The competition, named in memory of the director of FGQ, Alan Pampallona, ​​examined published and unpublished journalistic works created on all types of media (paper, radio-television, online/blog and podcast), dedicated to the theme of the relationship between doctors and patient as the first act of care, with particular attention to innovative methods and projects in this area.

Twenty-five works came to the attention of the Jury, chaired by Ferruccio De Bortoli, who awarded second place to Lidia Scognamiglio, with the television report entitled Humanization of Onco-Hematological Treatments, broadcast on TG2 Medicina 33 and third to an unpublished work entitled Doctors or marines, stories of those who fight for a more inclusive healthcare, by young practicing journalists Matteo Negri and Costanza Oliva.

This Award is in its first edition, but we plan to create others to continue to remember Dr. Alan Pampallona, ​​who dedicated approximately 20 years to the life of the Foundation, and to shed light on the various themes for which the Giancarlo Quarta Onlus Foundation will continue to carry out its research and experimentation activity in the field – commented the president of FGQ Lucia Giudetti Quarta -. We felt the need to formulate special mentions, in addition to the awards, because many contributions were significant for us.

The winning work recounted two excellent projects on the theme of the care relationship in chronic conditions: Adopt a chronic patient, a path proposed to third-year students of the Degree course in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia which leads future doctors take care of a chronic patient, coming into contact with his daily reality for three years; and the Patient Trainer project, an experience borrowed from Canada in which some types of chronic patients are trained to take up the chair and talk about the experience of the disease, with the aim of enriching the path of young and future doctors on good practices of the humanization of the disease: dialogue, care of the context in which the diagnosis is communicated and the disease is managed and the habit of distinguishing the patient, the person, from his disease.

I consider the topic of the doctor-patient relationship to be of fundamental importance – commented Nicoletta Carbone –. We will continue to talk about this aspect of care with other initiatives both on the radio and outside. The television report in second place tells the experience of humanising the disease for oncohaematology patients at the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome through the story of a patient in isolation, who was given the opportunity to play the cello, a great passion of hers; to support the testimony of the importance of a good relationship, the service reports the contribution of the GIMEMA Foundation which has developed an app, CHES Survey, for use by patients who can communicate their psycho-physical health status to doctors. We journalists are always looking for the sensational news, the miracle drug or the surprising surgery. Yet even words, empathy, good communication between doctor and patient are fundamental therapies – underlined Scognamiglio – What we today call “humanization of care” seems like something taken for granted, it is not newsworthy but that is not the case. Patients, families, doctors and numerous scientific studies tell us this. The sick person is first of all a person, not just a number, we too must remember this.

The third work talks about the Dama (Disabled Advanced Medical Assistance) project developed by Filippo Ghelma, medical director at the San Paolo Hospital in Milan, together with Dr. Angelo Mantovani: an organizational model that adopts a multidisciplinary approach to provide the hospital with individualized medical assistance for people with severe disabilities. We believe it is essential to talk about this project in the media because, despite the recognition obtained by Dama also at an international level, this protocol is not yet widespread in a widespread and structured way throughout the national territory. We hope that telling it can help raise awareness of this reality and show how it can improve the relationship between doctors and patients with severe disabilities and their families, explained the two authors.

Two special mentions were also awarded to the works by the Giancarlo Quarta Onlus Foundation and the president of the Jury: Research now has new protagonists: the patients by Danilo Di Diodoro, published in Corriere Salute, and I was only 16 years old by Edoardo Rosati published on the author’s blog. The three winning works are available on the Fondazione Quarta website

The Jury that established the winners saw journalists, authors, doctors, psychologists at work: in addition to the president, Ferruccio de Bortoli President of the Vidas Association, President of the Corriere della Sera Foundation, Luigi Ripamonti Journalist, Head of Corriere Salute – Corriere della Sera – collaborated Doctor, Alessandro Milan Journalist, Radio and Television Host, Writer, Paola Olgiati Journalist, Deputy Head of Health Service, Mariapia Veladiano School Director, Teacher and Writer, Valentina Di Mattei Associate Prof. and Clinical Psychologist HS Raffaele of Milan, Michele Oldani Psychologist and Sociologist, Teacher at the Brera Academy and Li.STA School in Milan, Alberto Giannini Director of Pediatric Anesthesia and Resuscitation at the Civil Hospitals of Brescia and Pierdante Piccioni, Doctor and Writer, Lodi Hospital.

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December 5, 2023 (modified December 5, 2023 | 7:39 pm)

#Alan #Pampallona #journalism #prize #awarded

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