The Algerian Prosecutor’s Office requests five years in prison against the journalist Ihsan El Kadi

by time news


The Algerian Prosecutor’s Office has requested this Sunday five years in prison for the journalist Ihsane El Kadi, accused of having received money from abroad.

The prosecutor has also requested the confiscation of the assets and funds of the director and founder of the Radio M and Maghreb Émergent media, who has been in pretrial detention since December 2022.

In addition, he has requested that he be banned from practicing the profession for the next five years, as well as a fine. The verdict of Justice will be given next Sunday.

El Kadi is being prosecuted for “collecting funds without authorization” and “receiving funds from abroad to commit acts against state security.”

After being arrested in December, the headquarters of his two outlets were searched and sealed.

The defendant, as well as his lawyers, have remained silent during the trial to protest against “legal violations” related to the case, since, they say, the conditions for a fair trial are not met.

For its part, the NGO Reporters Without Borders has denounced this accusation, “which is as severe as it is incomprehensible, given that it is based on an empty file.” A few days ago, the organization called for the “false charges” against him to be dropped and for the reporter to be released immediately.

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1 comment

Joe March 30, 2023 - 6:16 pm

I love your website!


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