The Aliyah and Absorption Committee must be established and preparations must be made for the absorption of immigrants from Ukraine

by time news

In light of the situation in Ukraine, today (Friday) Knesset Speaker MK Miki Levy wrote a letter to the Opposition Center MK Yariv Levin requesting the establishment of the Knesset’s Aliyah and Absorption Committee to allow the Knesset to discuss and monitor the government’s preparations for the absorption of thousands of immigrants from Ukraine.

In the letter, MK Levy noted, “As you know, the Aliyah and Absorption Committee, whose chairmanship has been assigned to the opposition parties, has not been established for the past eight months in the absence of a designated chairman for the committee. Due to the war in Ukraine there is a great urgency in establishing the Immigration and Absorption Committee immediately. This, on
In order for you to be able to monitor and promote the treatment of tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews who are currently in a state of emergency, they will probably want to exercise their right to immigrate to Israel. Concern for Jews around the world and especially those who are in distress and in danger of life is a common value for all of us. I would appreciate it if you would respond as soon as possible in the affirmative to appoint a chairman and members of the above committee whose necessity has become critical in recent days. ”


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