The alliance of the Palestinian factions with Iran is a grave mistake that is costing the lives of the residents of Gaza

by time news

Arab journalists: The alliance of the Palestinian factions with Iran is a serious mistake that is affecting the lives of the residents of Gaza

Following the recent military confrontation between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIL) in the Gaza Strip, (known in Israel as Operation Dawn), Arab columnists published articles in which they harshly attacked the Palestinian factions, and in particular Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, for The alliance they made with Iran. According to the authors, this alliance is an “unforgivable mistake” that allows Iran to control decision-making in the Gaza Strip, to use it as a bargaining chip in negotiations with the West over its nuclear program and to drag Gaza into a confrontation with Israel, for which the Palestinian people will pay with their lives . According to the authors, Iran’s trade in the Palestinian issue harms this issue and causes the Palestinians to lose the support of the Arab and Islamic world.

The leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, the Secretary General of the GAP, Ziad al-Nakhla, and the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniya

Below is a translation of excerpts from some of these articles.

Writing in a Saudi daily: The Palestinian people will pay a heavy price for the alliance with Iran

Rami al-Khalifa al-Ali, a lecturer in political philosophy at the University of Paris and a columnist in the Saudi daily Okhat, claimed in his article that joining the Palestinian factions to the Iranian axis is an unforgivable mistake for which the Palestinians will pay a heavy price. He wrote: “The last Israeli war against the Gaza Strip has ended and the result was more Palestinian victims and the shelling of Israeli cities, without any change in the details of the Palestinian arena or in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What happened in the Gaza Strip this time, or in the previous times, is aggression that is not acceptable to Arab countries, And Israel bears responsibility for the deaths of civilians [פלסטינים] and the closure imposed on the strip. However, this should not prevent us from wondering and asking questions to all those in charge of the Palestinian issue, both in the factions
[הפלסטינים] And they are in the entire PLO.

The biggest mistake of the Palestinians since the fifties of the last century is to introduce their issue into the tangle of regional and international politics and the local crises of every Arab country that the Palestinian factions reached. First, the Palestinian factions adopted the nationalist-leftist Nazarite ideas and began to show hostility towards some Arab countries, in support of[נשיא מצרים לשעבר, גמאל] Abdel Nasser. Their involvement in the Arab conflicts was accompanied [לפעילותם] of these factions already in their embryonic stage. The Palestinian factions soon intervened [גם] in the internal Jordanian conflicts, which led to the bloody conflict between them and the Jordanian Arab army in the events of Black September [ב-1970]. But this tragedy ended, and here the Palestinian factions intervened this time in the civil war in Lebanon, which motivated some of the Lebanese political forces to make an alliance with Israel in order to harm the Palestinian presence [בארצם]. Then came the catastrophic mistake when Yasser Arafat supported the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait, leaving the Palestinian issue disconnected from many Arab nations.

If mixing the Palestinian issue in the Arab conflicts and the internal affairs of this or that country was a serious mistake, then joining the Axis [הכוח] in the region and turning this or that Palestinian faction into a spearhead at the hands of some of the countries in the region is an unforgivable mistake. The existing alliance between the Iranian regime and several Palestinian factions is harmful to the Palestinian issue and the entire Palestinian people and causes it to lose its Arab-Islamic depth. This is because the Iranian regime is the cause of the disasters and pains that entire Arab societies have suffered. How, then, can a man whose family and relatives were murdered by the Iranian militias in Iraq and expelled from his home… sympathize with Hamas when one of its leaders, Ismail Haniya, defines the [מפקד כוח קודס במשמרות המהפכה האיראניים לשעבר]Qassem Soleimani, as the hand of Jerusalem, while the latter [סולימאני] He is responsible for the crimes of the Revolutionary Guards in many Arab regions[?!] In addition, how can a person from[העיר הסורית] Al-Qusayr, after Iran’s militias in Lebanon [קרי, חזבאללה, השתלט על העיירה] And they displaced him from his home, to identify with the Jihad
[האסלאמי הפלסטיני]which is the declared arm of Iran in Palestine.

There is a conflict between Iran and Israel over many issues, and if there is any agreement between these two countries, it is about fulfilling their interests at the expense of Arab interests. Therefore, bringing the Palestinian issue into this conflict is a serious mistake and the Palestinian people will pay a very heavy price for it. Palestine is a just issue and not a mailbox [להעברת מסרים] Israel’s, Iran’s or someone else’s. Refinement of the Palestinian issue [קרי, ביטול עירובה בסכסוכים
ערביים] And restoring a just issue that unites all Arabs is the task of the Palestinians, before anyone else. But, until we reach this situation, I fear that we may witness more rounds of violence…”

Kuwaiti writer: The heads of the Palestinian factions fighting in Israel at the service of Iran live comfortably, while the Gazans pay with their lives

The Kuwaiti journalist, Muhammad Al-Rumihi, attacked in his column on the Al-Nahar Al-Arabi website the leaders of the Palestinian factions who, according to him, decide on a military confrontation with Israel in accordance with the interests of Iran, when the Palestinian residents of Gaza pay for it with their lives, while they themselves live a life of welfare and luxury in other countries. He wrote: “With the announcement of the cease-fire without a noteworthy result and after a number of Palestinians were killed, we are returning to a round of… [השטח] And then a ceasefire and God forbid, and only the Palestinians in Gaza lose their lives… In fact, I lost count of the clashes between Israel and some faction in Gaza. factions [פלסטינים] Many with different loyalties decide on their own and without
[התייעצות] With the other factions – for reasons not necessarily related to Palestine – when to open fire and when to reach a ‘seder’. However, those who pay the very heavy price in their souls as well as in their chances to work and live are Palestinians whom no one consults regarding the destruction caused to them.

to people [הפלסטינים] The simple and innocent were told that a number of missiles were launched into Israeli territories close to Gaza or far from it, but no one is told what they hit [טילים אלו] And what were the results? [הפגיעה]. Most of them fell in empty space or exploded before reaching their destination. The psychological and moral effect that these missiles have on their launchers exceeds their effect on the ground, and some Arabs like to say that ‘the Jihad movement is raining missiles on Tel Aviv!’, but the death falls only on the Palestinians.

I heard a spokesman from the Islamic Jihad – the organization that launched the current round (which will not be the last) – saying that the Arabs are sitting idle and do not support us, with the exception of Iran, Hezbollah and Ansar Allah in Yemen [קרי, החות’ים]!’ This, while deliberately ignoring some Arab countries that have helped and are still helping [להם] Including Egypt, whose leaders mediate to save the lives of the Palestinians in Gaza, or Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates… Ignoring these countries and nations is one thing, but the claim that Iran or ‘Ansar Allah’ [החות’ים]
Or Hezbollah is helping, even a little, Palestine, close to inventing facts and unprecedented political blindness…

When the latest conflict broke out, the leader of the ‘Jihad Movement’ was in Tehran, which is revealing [את העובדה] Because the decision to open fire is a decision [שקשורה] For negotiations between Iran and the West, and no [החלטה שמשרתת את] the Palestinian interest.

There is no dispute that the Palestinians are in a state of deprivation, the dispute is over the method of operation of the resistance. Those who read the international arena wisely… understand that there are two ways to fight for Palestine: [הראשונה היא] The political path taken by the Palestinian Authority through low-intensity organized resistance, which takes into account more accurately the balance of forces on the ground, alongside a political struggle at all levels… This is a correct understanding of the international reality and the interactions therein. At the same time, this preserves for the Palestinians in the West Bank a minimum of livelihood and reasonable social services that help him last. The other way is to make missiles that mostly don’t hurt anyone, [מה שגורם] for Israel to respond by destroying the collapsing infrastructure of Gaza and bombing the houses. And so, whenever the construction is completed [מחדש של עזה] predominant
organization [כלשהו על
המצב] and ignites an armed struggle, while ignoring the benefit of the public. As a result, unemployment in Gaza is increasing, the suicide rate is increasing among young people who have lost hope for the future, and poverty and deprivation are spreading…

Only a small and influential minority in these organizations suppresses the spirit of the Gazans and separates them on the human and political level. At the same time this minority enjoys all the privileges. Some of these leaders live in luxury homes abroad and their sons attend the best schools and universities, and their main occupation is selling illusions to the masses [הפלסטיני]. A voice must be raised against this equation, ignoring what the populist voice demands of us. This, because of an act caused by the close people [לנו, קרי: מנהיגי הפלגים הפלסטינים] Harmful and more damaging
[מעושק של גורמים חיצוניים]and has the purpose of putting people’s lives in danger from time to time without a protector, [רק] Because one of[המנהיגים] Helu decided this, without having a national goal or a consideration of loss and profit, but only to turn Gaza into an arena for negotiations in favor of another country’s interests [קרי, איראן]…

The difficult problem lies in the Arab political culture that has been hijacked by populism. This was reflected in the last round of the struggle in the statement of the Iranian spokesman on behalf of the Revolutionary Guards that ‘the end of Israel is near!’ We have heard such talk before and they have led us to disaster. Who knows how many disasters have to befall us in order for us to learn [לקח]?”[3]

Former Kuwaiti minister: Iran is the one who decides on war in Gaza, not Hamas

Saad bin Tafla al-Ajmi, the former Kuwaiti minister of information, claimed in turn in the Saudi daily Independent Arabia Because Iran recently decided to transfer its support for Hamas to the Islamic Jihad movement. According to him, by doing so, it became the final arbiter regarding the wars in Gaza and gained another card in the negotiations it is holding with the West on the nuclear, at that the victims are, as always, innocent Palestinians. He wrote: “It is not new that Israel carried out a barbaric bombardment against Gaza last week. Since Hamas won the elections in the Strip [עזה] in 2007 [כך במקור]…. Israel’s wars against Gaza do not stop, [והן כוללות]: Devastating shelling, civilian casualties and enormous material damage…

In the absence of competitors to Hamas during the first decade of its control of the Strip, it began to adopt a volatile policy that moved between Syria, Iran, Egypt and Qatar according to its interests, in the opportunistic way typical of the Muslim Brotherhood. That is, until the power of the Islamic Jihad movement began to grow stronger with direct Iranian support, which angered Hamas. Hamas shared this with the Iranians more than once, and each time it was met with forced diplomatic Iranian smiles and a promise [איראנית] ‘Support the resistance’ to erase Israel.

But Iran is not interested in supporting a faction that is not subordinate to it And no bargaining card is used in her hand, and there is no card more important than the bargaining card on the Palestinian issue and the sanctity of its demands! The Iranians learned from the Arab tyrants to play the Jerusalem and Palestine card…

the play
[של מלחמה ברצועת עזה] Repeats itself and the victims are always innocent Palestinians who cannot compensate here and protest the frivolity of their factions and the fact that they are trading in the issue [הפלסטינית]
in favor of one party or another. The innovation this time is that the approval to declare a ceasefire came from the leader of the Jihad
[האסלאמי הפלסטיני] Staying in Tehran, Ziad al-Nakhla. This means that today Iran is the main arbiter in the decision regarding the destruction in Gaza and no longer Hamas, and this is what prevented Hamas from participating in the ‘resistance’ during the last war…

What is new in the latest war is therefore the direct entry of Iran through the Islamic Jihad and its possession of a new card in the bargaining over its nuclear and expansionist ambitions. In my estimation, the relationship between Hamas and the Jihad will sooner or later come to a confrontation, because the Palestinian issue card is extremely profitable and Hamas will not give it up and neither will Iran, and if the situation comes to a fight between the Jihad and Hamas then unfortunately all of this will be The account of the Palestinian resident is struck by fate.”

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