The Almerigo Grilz journalistic award, “the unknown envoy” is born

by time news

2023-05-17 17:32:13

was born the journalism award to the memory of Almerigo Grilz, the first Italian envoy to fall on a battlefield since 1945, killed in Mozambique in 1987 at the age of just 34, while he was documenting the clashes between the Renamo guerrillas and the Frelimo government. In the year when Grilz would have turned 70, the Primo Article study center has promoted, together with a group of friends and colleagues of the reporter, the organization of a journalism award in his memory.

Aimed at under 40 correspondents, capable of interpreting journalism in the field of Almerigo Grilzcharacterized by professional quality, adventurous spirit and courage, the recognition was presented on Monday 15 May in Milan, at the Palazzo delle Stelline, in the presence of the president of the Senate Ignatius LaRussafriend of Grilz, militant of the Youth Front and, perhaps for this reason, became “the unknown envoy” after his death, using the words of Toni Capuozzo, president of the jury that will award the prize (members are Maurizio Belpietro, Fausto Biloslavo, Giovanna Botteri, Gian Marco Chiocci, Peter Gomez, Mauro Mazza, Gian Micalessin, Gabriele Micalizzi, Gianfranco Peroncini, Gabriella Simoni and Francesco Semprini).

“In addition to being a journalist who gave his life for his profession, Almerigo Grilz he was a personal friend of mine, with whom I shared many youthful political battles,” he said Russiasaying he was “honoured to be able to pay homage to him” and proposing “for when the award ceremony takes place in a year, to do it in Palazzo Giustiniani in the Senate. It will be an honor for me to make it available”.

At the presentation evening of the journalism award in Milan (it will also be repeated in Trieste on Thursday 18 May) the president of the Chamber Lorenzo Fontana also sent a message. “The professional ethics of Almerigo Grilzwhich was reflected in every moment of his life, should inspire young people today who are approaching war and investigative journalism”, said Fontana, underlining that “the establishment of this journalism award named after him, on the one hand it honors the work of this great professional and on the other, by making his memory alive, it is good for journalism itself. I think that from that distant forest in Mozambique the echo of Grilz’s passion for his profession can still be heard loud and clear”.

A greeting also arrived via video link from the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiulian
oThat Almerigo Grilz – he let it be known – “I had the privilege of knowing him personally on the occasion of a summer camp of the Youth Front, in which we both served”. And both also had the dream of undertaking the journalistic profession, as it later happened. For this “I want to celebrate Almerigo Grilz – said Sangiuliano – not only for his political ideas but also because he was a great journalist and a great war correspondent: he had the courage to tell those forgotten wars in those years and he done by exposing himself personally, to the point of extreme sacrifice”.

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