The American right in full “organization”

by time news

In the United States, three of the main stories are the erosion of reproductive rights (the Supreme Court is about to end the constitutional right to abortion), the outbreak of racist violence (the myth of a “great replacement “whites by immigrants” clearly motivated the Buffalo terrorist who massacred 10 people), and the growing authoritarianism of the Republican Party (in the primaries for the midterm elections, many candidates relay Trump’s lies on the elections and want to challenge future polls). These topics may seem distinct, but they are in fact several fibers of the same cord, a cord that threatens to suffocate American democracy.

To see how these three threats are linked, you have to look away from the United States and take a look at Hungary, where the annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action was held in mid-May. Conference (CPAC), which is by far the most unmissable conservative political meeting in the United States.

The mere fact that CPAC is meeting in Budapest speaks to the outsized influence Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán now has on the American right. Orbán is a demigod in the eyes of these conservatives, as he is said to have succeeded in boosting Hungary’s birth rate, repelling migrants and blocking the left by rejecting institutional and legal norms. Recently re-elected for a fourth consecutive term, Orbán not only controls the Hungarian regime, but also the imagination of the right. The American sympathizers of the Republican Party see on the banks of the Danube the future that they want to impose on the United States.

Demonization of Soros

Matt Schlapp, head of CPAC, was asked if he, like Orbán, thought immigration was a “suicide national”. Schlapp replied that setting aside the Roe judgment vs. Wade might help to eliminate the need for immigration. “If you fear this supposed ‘replacement’, why not start by letting our own people live,” he suggested.

Despite his oratorical precautions, Schlapp did give credence to the “great replacement” theory, which he associates with concern that “our people” don’t have enough children. In the manifesto of the alleged Buffalo killer, a text largely copied from the declarations of other racist terrorists, we find many of these themes. The manifesto deplores the decline in the fertility rate among whites and the increase in immigration from countries with non-white populations, then blames these problems on the Jews, making [du milliardaire américain d’origine hongroise] George Soros the figure whose “funding to

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