The AMLO government wants to buy 12 concession hospitals

by time news

2023-07-24 18:48:01

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), President of Mexico, has reported that he seeks to buy up to 12 hospitals that were previously concessioned to private companies in past years, although they belong to the public health system.

The president has indicated that this type of contracting implies considerable annual payments for periods of 25 years and explained that this type of rental harms the Public Treasury and the country’s economy.

AMLO has made it clear that the Government pays them for the service

Regarding this, AMLO has expressed that “the government pays them for the service. But they are hospitals made by companies and they are paid annually for that floor and we consider that their contracts are detrimental to the Public Treasury. In other words, the economy of the town is affected.” In addition, the president commented that, in addition to the appraisal, he has already spoken with some companies that have contracts of this type and he pointed out that a few have already accepted what the government is proposing.

During his morning conference, data from nine specific hospitals were presented. Two belong to IMSS, four to ISSSTE and three to the federal Ministry of Health. All of them were designed and built under the Public Private Partnership scheme and, currently, their operation and maintenance are under the Services Provision Project.

The amount of the nine contracts shown is more than 93 billion pesos

Some of the examples that AMLO highlighted about this operation were a Hospital in Tapachula, with an agreement signed in 2017 and a total amount of 17 thousand 364 million pesos and which implies an annual payment of 633 thousand pesos. The total amount of the nine contracts that have been shown is 93 thousand 817 million pesos, while the annual payment amounts to 5 thousand 651 million pesos for said hospital projects.

Finally, the head of the Executive has mentioned that, previously, there was already a system of “influentialism”, “corruption” and “privileges in the acquisition of medicines and medical equipment”, in which some politicians and businessmen were benefited, which he described as corrupt businesses.

#AMLO #government #buy #concession #hospitals

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