The Ampa del Virgen de Luna of the Pozoblanco public school (Córdoba), against the closure of a Children’s line

by time news

Julia Lopez




Dozens of people supported this Monday, April 4, 2022, the first of the concentrations programmed by the Association of Mothers and Fathers (Ampa) of the Virgen de Luna Public School in Pozoblanco to request the Education Delegation of the Junta de Andalucía that maintains the two lines of Childish 3 years for e1st course 2022/2023.

The protests began last February when it became known that Education had eliminated one of those two lines in the application process for new admissions, something that was maintained in the other two public centers in the town. A situation that even then was called a “comparative tort” due to the Association of parents, which has been on the move ever since.

Now, once that period is over, from the Ampa a reply is still requested Education about the future of that second line, since the writings presented by the Association of parents They have not received a response, according to their representatives. This situation has led to the intensification of the protests and throughout this week hiring will take place at the doors of the center from 8.50 to 9.10 in the morning, with the students included.

Demonstration on April 28, 2022

In addition, the Ampa has scheduled a demonstration through the streets of the town next April 28, 2022. The people who attended the rally yesterday carried banners calling for “quality public education”, the request for “no suppression of any line”, the right to choose a school, as well as a call for Management so that decisions are not made looking only at the numbers.

“They gave us peace of mind because they said that when we reached the required number, 29, there would be a split; in principle we have 32 requests with the term expired, but since the delegation we have not had any response », he explained at the doors of the center Yolanda Duranmember of the Ampa. “We want to know if we keep the lines because families have been given that message of tranquillity», he added.

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