The anatomies of Cuban journalism

by time news

2023-11-02 19:33:37

A significant group of colleagues who in recent decades have deserved the highest award from UPEC for their life’s work, tell their stories in details, anecdotes and opinions, which flower of peace only interrupts, for the benefit of the reader, knowing in what type of seas each one has sailed, and opens the sails to listen to them in the difficult situation of talking about themselves.

To give us this “anatomy of Cuban journalism,” the author did not disguise herself for her work or falsify her identity, nor did she use hidden cameras or microphones, which certain representatives of the commercial press in other latitudes usually resort to. She doesn’t know about that, of course, but she manages to shed light where the modesty of her interviewees avoids personal sacrifice and the many hardships that life has given them, paraphrasing Fayad.

They are exciting pages, where different generations are present: those who started in the trade before the triumph of the Revolution, in the clandestine struggle, in the mountains or in exile during the war against tyranny, and after 1959, in Playa Girón, literacy, the construction and defense of the new socialist homeland and in the no less heroic missions in other lands.

All this and much more make them firm pillars on which the ethics of Cuban revolutionary journalism rests.

When we know the family origin, the different schools in which they were trained and the settings where they practiced, we can conclude that none of them is similar to another, but they are all the same, since they have as a common denominator the commitment to be faithful to their readers, viewers or radio listeners. , whether with writing, image, design, multimedia or teaching, perhaps this is the most transcendent.

It is not possible to delve into the existence of each one of them, without feeling deep inside a feeling of admiration and respect for these colleagues whose performance demonstrates the conscious passion that can only be awakened by great social causes such as, in our case, It has been and is the fight for truth, ideas and the work of the Cuban revolution, one of the greatest in universal history due to its depth and scope.

Giving continuity to this editorial effort or other similar ones inevitably leads to research and training of journalists or other professionals, which demands collaboration, alliances and science.

The protagonists of these pages make us proud for their physical industriousness and intelligence, for their excellent results in a field that is impossible to define for men and women who defend the country and the revolution, with permanent disposition to successfully fulfill missions in which they have raised the prestige of the sector in the country’s public opinion.

The flower precedes the fruit, and a fruit of Flower, among its many creative appearances, is this work by our Editorial Pablo de la Torriente, which we will be able to treasure and savor now, thanks to the privilege of the option of digital reading, while waiting of printing on paper.

Flor de Paz, author of the book Anatomies of Cuban journalism

Not all the winners are there, as she clarifies; But the whole has in common that it belongs to the best of the formidable social substratum that emerged, as in the biblical story of the breath of human creation, from the hurricane force of an authentic revolution that made the withered soul of the nation green again.

Thank you, Flower of Peace; Thank you, Esther, to you and your editorial, and thanks to those who accompanied us in these necessary and timely minutes in the long-awaited hopeful XI Congress of the UPEC that has already begun.

Photos: Roberto Garaicoa/Cubaperiodistas

#anatomies #Cuban #journalism

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