The Andalusian Parliament approves the first Flamenco Law

by time news

The Plenary of Parliament of Andalusia has approved this Wednesday the Andalusian Law of Flamencothe first norm dedicated to this artistic sector in the history of the autonomous community.

The text has gone ahead with the votes exclusively from the Popular Parliamentary Groupalthough it has received by mistake the favorable vote of an opposition parliamentarian, by adding the law 59 yeses, one more of the 58 deputies that make up the PP, since the rest of the groups in the Chamber, PSOE, Vox, Por Andalucía and Adelante Andalucía, have abstained

This is the fifth norm that obtains its parliamentary endorsement in this 12th Legislature after the Community Budget Law for 2023, the modification of the Emergency Management Law of Andalusia, the Law of Early Attention in Andalusia and the Law of Andalusian Circular Economy.

The flamenco bill approved by the Governing Council in your meeting of September 13 of last year.

The approved standard seeks to provide flamenco with a legal regime to guarantee their protection, conservation, and the promotion of their knowledge for its use as a social asset and as an intangible cultural heritage of Andalusia and to ensure its transmission to future generations.

The law, with 36 articles and five additional provisions, provides for the approval by the Governing Council, within a period of 18 months from the entry into force of the law, of the General Strategic Plan for Flamencowhich will constitute the basic and essential instrument in the management of Flemish resources in Andalusia.

The Law seeks encourage flamingo as a unique element of Andalusian culture, its promotion, and encourage associations. In the text, a specific mention is made of the clubs and non-profit entities whose aims are the dissemination and knowledge of flamenco.

It is planned to create a Andalusian Flamenco Registry to serve as an instrument for knowledge, publicity and organization of professionals and entities that carry out activities related to flamenco in Andalusia.

The Andalusian Law of Flamenco is committed to the Flamenco teaching in the Andalusian educational systemwhich aims to cover the different stages of non-university education with the inclusion of curricular contents and the development of activities related to flamenco, and also at the university level and in the European area of ​​higher education to promote the creation of flamenco chairs in Andalusian universities, as well as an annual training plan for flamenco teachers.

The new standard provides that movable and immovable property, activities and other elements of intangible heritage, including individual and collective creations of flamenco that make up the flamenco heritage sitecan be inscribed in the General Catalog of Andalusian Historical Heritage, to encourage them to take advantage of the protection figure that best corresponds to their characteristics and specific needs.

The Law registers flamenco as a unique and relevant form of expression of the culture of the Andalusian people as an Asset of Cultural Interest, with the type of Activity of Ethnological Interest, in the General Catalog of Andalusian Historical Heritage.

Group positioning

The deputy Pilar Pintor has intervened in the debate, representing the PP-A, who has dedicated words of congratulations and appreciation to “the entire Andalusian Governing Council” chaired by Juanma Moreno, with special mention to the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Deporte, Arturo Bernal, and “his entire team” for what he has described as a “magnificent text” that represents “the first regulation” in Andalusia “around our most recognized and applauded artistic manifestation in the entire world”, as assessed by the deputy, who has defended that we must be “proud” of the “crucial and historic” moment that passing this law with the “consensus” supposes of the parliamentary groups, as he has also celebrated.

The socialist deputy Rafael Recio He has alluded to “an ancient legend”, according to which the king of Mesopotania gave advice to the king of Babylon about “be fair, speak little, clearly, well and speak beautifully” to consider that “this legal metaphor was difficult to find”. in the Andalusian Flamenco Law after maintaining that “the legislative text does not speak well, it does not speak clearly, nor does it give certainty” considering that “we are all aware that it will depend on a Strategic Plan and there we will see the economic commitment”.

Recio has pointed out that “the low participation of those appearing has caught my attention, there have been 18 when they were 60.” “We will celebrate the approval but we could have gone much further,” said the Socialist deputy.

The Vox parliamentarian antonio sevilla has indicated that the Andalusian Flamenco Law “has generated certain doubts among the social agents themselves, among the artists”, while he has claimed that “art only has to be allowed to be and work” to point out that “it is something that Moreno Bonilla does not did with their Covid restrictions.”

Seville has considered that “it may be that the world of flamenco does not need this regulation” after arguing that “flamenco cannot be limited to administrative borders” and predicting that “it will continue to overflow, it does not fit into a regulatory text, and even less so in one so small and shallow.”

Lastly, the spokesperson for the Por Andalucía group, immaculate grandsonhas assessed that the bill has been “improved” during its parliamentary process, with the inclusion of some amendments from his coalition, although he has considered that “we have not been able to reach the level of specification that the artists and connoisseurs” of flamenco in terms of the development and fixation of the teaching of this art in the educational system, in such a way that this law has remained as “an intermediate station”, and not “final”, which “seems that it will arrive when we have the strategic plan” of flamenco, as he predicted before lamenting that “we have fallen short” in relation to the expectations generated by this law.

Thank you from the counselor

After the approval of the law, the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Arturo Bernalwho has valued that Andalusia now has a law on “something that defines us as a people, something that we show with pride and honor in all the parts of the world we go to”, as he has highlighted, and has dedicated for words of gratitude “to all the people who have intervened” in one way or another “in the elaboration of this norm”, including her predecessor at the head of the Ministry of Culture and current head of the Department of Educational Development and Vocational Training of the Andalusian Government, Patricia del Pozo.

Finally, the counselor addressed the representatives of the “universe of flamenco” who attended the debate from the guest rostrum. “For all of you we have developed this norm” that “we want it to be your main frame of reference from now on” so that flamenco “continues to be that inescapable reference of Andalusian culture in the world”, Bernal has transferred them.

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