The animalist annoyance with Petro: the secrets of power in De Buena Fuente

by time news

2023-08-20 06:20:00

A character that appeared on the last day of the Andi Congress was Jaime Gilinski. He made the trip to Cartagena solely and exclusively to attend the tribute that Andi paid to Carlos Ignacio Gallego, president of Nutresa, who was awarded the Order of Business Merit. After a year in which Nutresa was the great protagonist of the bid between the Arabs, the Gilinski group and the GEA, which ended with the Arabs and Gilinski keeping the majority of the food conglomerate, the banker decided to accompany the this tribute to Gallego.

The vice did not see the workers

The one who did not do well was the Vice Minister of Labor, Edwin Palma, who is a good presenter and has the gift of speaking, thanks in part to his career as a union leader. However, at one point he said: “it is good that we, the businessmen, the government, talk, although I regret that there is no working class.” And immediately dozens of voices rose in the auditorium with capacity for 1,000 workers claiming: “here we are all workers.” After the gazapo, the vice minister understood his mistake and corrected it.

“What worries me the most is the mental health of the president”

On Friday, in one of the panels of the Andi Congress, the writer Héctor Abad surprised the attendees with a short but emphatic answer. The moderator of the panel, Alejandro Santos, asked the panelists what worried them most about democracy today in Colombia. Abad was the first to answer and said a short but forceful phrase: “what worries me the most for democracy is the mental health of the president.”

How did the ministers do?

At the Andi Congress, which brings together the country’s large industrialists, President Gustavo Petro did not attend, but several of his ministers did. The only thing missing was Labor, Gloria Inés Ramírez, and Health, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo, who have the most controversial reforms in their hands. Among the ministers who did attend, a classification could be made according to the applause meter and the comments that were heard: the best qualified was the Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara, very articulate in her presentation. In second place, the Minister of the Environment, Susana Muhamad, who was recognized for her knowledge of the issues and her pondered position; Ricardo Bonilla, applauded when he said that he was going to move the public works and housing machinery, and even the president of Ecopetrol, Ricardo Roa, applauded him because he said that he was going to continue exploiting oil and gas.

Animal annoyance with Petro

The animalist bench in Congress was upset with President Petro for the announcement of the reopening of municipal slaughterhouses. What does that have to do with the president? Well then: when he was a candidate, Petro signed a commitment to the agenda of animal activists that he has not fulfilled. But in addition, the Government has already allowed the bill to prohibit bullfights to be sunk twice and another has just fallen to limit experimentation with them. The discomfort is enormous and could cost him votes in other initiatives.

The crossroads of the Pact on cases of sexual violence

For this week that begins, it is expected that Senator María José Pizarro, of the Historical Pact, will deliver the investigation report on the complaints of sexual violence in Congress. The disclosure of the document has generated expectation, and in some sectors even discomfort, since among the complaints there is one against Mauricio Lizcano, current ICT minister, and another against John Jairo Uribe, a trusted advisor to Roy Barreras. It will be necessary to see what they respond in the Pact in front of the report.

#animalist #annoyance #Petro #secrets #power #Buena #Fuente

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