The anonymous season of “Big Brother” seems like a great decision

by time news

After a long teasing, last season’s anonymous season opened “Big Brother” Fifteen tenants entered the house (new and renovated), which will be joined by two more on Thursday and Saturday. Network And on the face of it it seems that anonymous casting was an absolutely successful decision.

Despite the many superlatives that can be given to the opening chapter, which I will elaborate on later, there are several weaknesses that stood out, most notably: the issue of age. Except for the tenants Rachel Borta (70) fDina Arami is happy (58), all cast members range between the ages of 20 and 33. Unlike previous seasons where the age range was wider, in the current season of The Brother it is evident that the world has long belonged to the young. In addition to the young majority of the tenants, the geographical range of most of them also focuses on the central area. 10 of the 15 tenants who entered the Big Brother house now live in Tel Aviv or its neighbors.

The issue of age or geography are certainly weak points that may indicate a generic, superficial casting, in the “copy-paste” method that is too common in the Israeli reality world, but it seems that this season the cast worked overtime to bring a little more variety to the screen. Among the tenants can be found quite a few interesting stories: one of them is Ofek Levy, The 21-year-old who already at the age of 15 put on a play, which is taught by none other than MIT University, and today he heads a digital company with 60 employees from 3 different countries. Another story is Dina Arami is happy, Which is remembered by viewers from “Here in the Transportation” of “Here” 11, which is a mother of five children who raised more than 20 foster children. Other interesting castings that are worth keeping an eye on are Marina KontsovaWho immigrated from Russia 5 years ago to enlist, Riva Raslan Who immigrated to Israel from Lebanon when she was only 4 years old andSeagull Raz33 years old from Tel Aviv who testified that he wants to learn to feel more and is interested in meeting friends.

The season of anonymity is a decision that brought about a refreshing change that was required on the Israeli screen. The many reality shows in recent years have produced far more celeb seasons than anonymous ones, and apart from the couple reality shows we have not seen anonymous reality shows since the last season of “Race to the Million” aired, and also featured familiar couples from previous seasons. The audience is thirsty for more authentic people, who are less used to cameras and there is a chance that Joss will come out of them. The network read well the disgust in the production line that recycles reality stars from one to the other, and made a decision that could yield very lucrative ratings, especially in light of the placement in front of the golden egg of the competitor from Keshet – ‘Khatunmi’.

The opening episode certainly left the audience intrigued for the future season, especially given the fact that not all the tenants have entered yet. But despite the great interest and curiosity generated by the tenants with their IDs, this was precisely the secret task given to one of the tenants who left with a little bitter, or maybe even very bitter. The tenant is Diane SchwartzA 23-year-old model, originally from Kiryat Gat and currently living in Tel Aviv, who on the face of it seems to have been cast on the coveted bachelorette of the season. Her ID card was full of questions about dating, and both brother and Diane In Diane’s secret mission, her partners were Dina Arami Simchi andKazem God forbidA 23-year-old Muslim Arab, gay, from Tel Aviv, Diane had to choose with the help of Dina and Kazem, three men she would like.

What Diane, Kazem and Dina did not know, is that Diane’s mission will be to spend the first night at home in a separate room with the three men she has chosen. Literally “Take me Diane” inside Big Brother. The room where the four had to sleep was deliberately designed as a miniature room with low ceilings and small furniture and looked like a cage, to which they had to be crammed. What the production forgot to ask, is does Diane even want to spend an entire night in a cramped, separate room with three men she just met? It does not matter what her answer will be, the very fact that it was a secret mission that fell on her like a thunderbolt on a clear day, makes the mission itself problematic and the situation downright uncomfortable for Diane- and that is at best. At worst this can be a dangerous situation or even a trigger for her. What is certain is that the assignment given to her is not worthy of a prime time program.

In summary the opening episode of Big Brother’s new season marks a season that will be interesting. The tenants are mostly colorful and very refreshing, full of humor and authenticity. The more, and the less, of course. But the opening episode can be marked with a small asterisk, because it seems necessary to keep a critical eye on how the production will interfere with the dynamics between the tenants through the missions, as was done in the first mission given to them last night.

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