The Argentine imitator of Luis Miguel and his version of “the mystery of the double”

by time news

2023-08-15 23:25:50

Not only politics generates a crack in the popular clamor. The polarization also reached the music. And the main question is no longer Beatles or Stones, but to know if the Luis Miguel that in less than 24 hours he sold all the tickets for his ten presentations at the Movistar Arena in Buenos Aires is it him or an impostor. While his fans recognize that after many years he returned the best version of the “Sun King”some journalists insist that the one who inaugurated the ten shows to the rhythm of “Será que no me amas” and “I don’t know you” is an imitator.

In his television series “True Secrets”, the journalist Luis Ventura dedicated the entire program to this kind of “fake idol”, ensuring that “The Luis Miguel who took the stage on the day of the premiere was an artist who imitated him in all his stage gestures”. And faithful to his discursive vehemence, he did not limit himself to talking about opinions, but rather did an anatomical analysis of the singer: “When you go on a diet, you don’t shrink your bones or your back. It does not shrink in height. There are things that have to do with dental pieces. I consulted with many dentists showing if it is the same set of teeth and they have told me that it is not. The ears are different too.”

But not only Ventura affirms that Luis Miguel It is not the one that appears live. Marcelo Tinelli, present at the first concert, sowed doubts from his Instagram account with an observation that made his followers reflect: “It struck me that he never spoke to the public. He doesn’t say anything, he just sings. Neither hello nor bye. He just sings and leaves ”. Theory that would support the idea that she uses doubles for singing: avoiding interaction with the public would be the way to hide that the one on stage is someone else.

from the other side, the lawyer Mariano Yesse, current panelist of “El diario de Mariana”, acknowledged having spoken with Migrations and affirmed that “Mr. Luis Miguel Gallego Basteri has entered Argentina with two passports, one Mexican and one from the United States.”

Faced with this controversy, NEWS spoke with Guillermo Elías, the most famous Luis Miguel impersonator and double in Argentina, to unravel the mystery. “I am convinced that the one who sings is him. It is impossible for any imitator to reach his vocal range. Not even a professional singer arrives, much less an impersonator will. What happens is that he had many physical transformations and, from one record to the next, he changes, as perhaps no other artist does. And in the middle he does nothing for one to follow his physical change either. So the image we see is abrupt, but it’s always him.”
Since the arrival of the star, which was officially carried out on August 1 on a private flight with his current partner, Paloma Cuevas, the media have analyzed all the gestures from its beginnings until today.

Regarding this body scan, Elías clarifies: “There are keys to his performances that every imitator takes into account, such as opening his hands and crosswise looking to the side, adjusting his pants or making the audience sing with the microphone extended. At his time it was also combing his hair up with his hands, a gesture that he now no longer does, nor does his famous little kick. But doing them perfectly doesn’t give you the weapons to take on a concert of his with all that is at stake. There is an Argentinian double who admitted having replaced him in a show in 2010. That’s a lie. Luis Miguel sings a cappella, moves the microphone away as much as he wants and it’s impossible to recreate it. The one who knows about music knows that only he can do it, and the one who doesn’t know about music and knows ratings, says anything”.

When asked if he ever worked for the Mexican artist, Elías was blunt: “I never worked for Luis Miguel but the media have hired me to take photos where he was supposedly and it was the scoop. I have many magazines where the note is Luis Miguel incognito and it’s actually me.


Everything is secrecy in the environment of Luis Miguel From the Fenix ​​Entertainment press offices they limit themselves to giving only official information. However, NEWS agreed to a former collaborator of the group, who acknowledges: “Before, Luis Miguel gave a press conference from time to time but with an insurmountable operation on his privacy. The questions were scheduled in advance since we had the descent that he did not answer anything about his mother, children or romances. All the times I worked with him, I never saw him. Neither him nor a double. Working with these kinds of artists is like working with ghosts.”

Some will say that curiosity feeds business or that a lie is stronger than a thousand truths. The truth is that all the speculation, memes and ironies fall when Luis Miguel takes the microphone and starts to sing seriously. The rest is summed up by the double himself: “When Luis Miguel is in Buenos Aires I feel like Luis Miguel because they call me from everywhere. And it’s part of what he generates. If he gave notes or if he showed himself in public, the news would end there ”.

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