The arrest of the suspect in the shooting at a club in Haifa has been extended

by time news

Extension of detention, tonight

(Photo: Lior al-Hai, Elad Gershgoren)

The condition of the other suspect, a 20-year-old from Acre, continues to be very serious – and he is hospitalized in the intensive care unit at Rambam Hospital in Haifa.

The shooting scene

(Photo: MDA operational documentation, Carmel Rescue Union, police spokeswoman)

According to the suspect, the two detainees tried to enter the club – which was crowded with young men and women, some of them soldiers – and were refused. Police suspect they returned to the scene armed and opened fire. The security guard, 46 years old, responded by firing, from which one of the suspects was injured. The commander of the Hof district, Superintendent Yoram Sofer, assigned the investigation to the investigators of the unit for the fight against crime in the Asher area.

Since the investigation began, various actions have been taken to track down the suspect who was arrested tonight – and he was eventually caught at Ben Gurion Airport and taken for questioning by the Zebulon police. The police asked to extend his detention for another ten days. , Is suspected of illegally purchasing / possessing a weapon, conspiracy to commit a crime, firing an unlawful firearm in a residential area while attempting to endanger human life and intentionally damaging property.

Aviad HayatAdv. Aviad Hayat

The police representative presented Judge Orit Kantor with a secret report and the investigation of a suspect. According to him, the secret report contains 47 investigative actions. “Many security cameras have been seized,” he said. “Also, many exhibits were seized, including exhibits seized by the suspect.” A police spokesman declined to comment on whether the suspect was suspected of the shooting himself. “He was asked many questions, and maintained his right to remain silent,” the investigator said.

Cantor noted in her decision that “I am convinced that at this stage there is a reasonable basis to suspect that the suspect has committed the offenses attributed to him.” The defense attorney, Adv. Aviad Hayat, said at the end of the hearing: “In my opinion, the police request is excessive. The suspect denies what is attributed to him and it is possible that at the end of the day of the arrest mountain he will give birth to a mouse in the form of a release. “

The owner of the club said in reference to the incident: “This is an unpleasant incident at all, the security guard had to protect female and male soldiers, he did sacred work.” According to the owner, dozens of people were inside the club at the time of the shooting. “This is a security guard who will protect the girls and boys here in his body. He will not let any Blaine come in and out of here in danger. The policemen who were here said about what the security guard did ‘well done’ and that he acted really well.”


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