the arrival of a new treatment reinforces the hope of reducing hospitalizations

by time news

2023-08-02 17:56:19

From autumn, very young children will be able to be better protected against bronchiolitis. Tuesday, August 1, the High Authority for Health (HAS) issued a favorable opinion on the reimbursement of preventive treatment to fight against this disease in infants. The Beyfortus, jointly developed by Sanofi and AstraZeneca laboratories, will be available from September, at no cost to parents.

Each year, nearly 30% of children under the age of two catch bronchiolitis in France, notes the HAS. The infection, caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), can be very virulent. Cough, difficult breathing, wheezing… In winter, 2 to 5% of children under one year old are hospitalized for RSV bronchiolitis, ie approximately 30,000 infants in France.

Five months of protection

The preventive treatment of Sanofi and AstraZeneca should make it possible to ” greatly reduce the risk of developing a severe form of the disease and hospitalizations “, underlines Agnès Linglart, president of the French Society of Pediatrics. This monoclonal antibody, different from a vaccine, consists of a shot. ” The antibody is injected directly into the body [de l’enfant]completes the pediatrician at the Bicêtre Paris-Saclay hospital. Unlike a vaccine, the protection is almost immediate and lasts at least five months. »

Only infants living their first epidemic season are affected. From the start of the school year, they will be able to receive treatment in the maternity ward (for those born during the epidemic) or later, by a general practitioner or a pediatrician. According to the first tests, the Beyfortus ” reduces the risk of hospitalization by 83% », Supports Fabienne Kochert, pediatrician in Orléans (Loiret).

This monoclonal antibody is not the only one on the French market. Another, named Synagis, already protects some infants. But ” its duration of action is only 28 days and its higher costdelays the former president of the French Association of Ambulatory Pediatrics. It is therefore reserved for the most fragile children. », in particular very premature babies or those at risk.

Drastically reduce hospitalizations

In recent months, advances in the fight against bronchiolitis have accumulated. In the spring, a vaccine from the GSK laboratory was thus authorized by the European Medicines Agency. It targets people aged at least 60, who are also at risk of developing serious forms of the disease. Another serum from the giant Pfizer, intended for seniors and infants, received the green light from the European regulator on July 21. While a final one, developed by Moderna for seniors, is still awaiting approval.

Will these novelties put an end to bronchiolitis epidemics? Not quite according to Agnès Linglart. “RSV will always circulate in winter, because we do not immunize the entire population”, she believes. With these vaccines and treatments, “ we only hope to reduce the peak of bronchiolitis, the serious forms and the influx of hospitalizations “. The disease cannot be totally eradicated, but the most severe cases can be limited. ” Above all, we hope that next winter will be better “, abounds Fabienne Kochert.

Last year, more than 26,000 children under the age of two were hospitalized after going to the emergency room for bronchiolitis, according to Public Health France. This level, unprecedented for ten years, has put the hospital services under pressure. ” Some babies even had to be transferred “, recalls the pediatrician who hopes, from the beginning of the fall, to see many parents inform themselves and ask to immunize their newborn.

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