“The art of how to say nothing”: Ahinoam Nini in an attack on Shlomo Artzi

by time news

The singer Ahinoam Nini today (Thursday) strongly criticized the singer Shlomo Artzi, who she claims did not express his position sufficiently regarding the recent events that took place in the country against the background of the reform of the judicial system.

Hundreds demonstrated yesterday in front of the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem, thousands protested in central Tel Aviv

Nini responded to a story put up by singer Neta Barzilai in a protest group of musicians and singers, and wrote that “Any artist in Israel who holds the opinion that what is happening here is complete madness and the destruction of the beloved country that is our home, and that it is the source of livelihood for all those who worry so much about their livelihood, everyone who has any A molecule of principles and courage, who will not be satisfied with saluting the minds but will join them.”

“You can get down from Olympus and just go out to the street or to the bridge and the square with a flag and put up a picture. Or, appear in demonstrations. Yes, come to appear, for free, on any stage possible, there are endless requests. To raise a clear voice against the murder of democracy and everything we have here. Why , why should others do the work for you? If you don’t like performing on a stage that is a bit improvised and amateurish, initiate a big and invested show with a big stage and equipment, find the funding, and come as a huge artistic force to make a voice,” she added.

The singer also wrote: “Years of the silence of the artists, who hide behind excuses from here to the end of the world and when they do say something it’s so milky and flimsy that they didn’t say anything (in the style of Shlomo Artzi), that God forbid they won’t come to them with complaints and cancel some ticket to the show, get angry at them, and no Let them be given the love they are so addicted to, it contributed to the situation we are in. A person has to decide who he is and what he is, what he will say to his children and what is important to him, how he lives with his conscience and how he uses his power.”

In a post on Facebook, Nini confirmed that she did indeed write the things about my country, and added: “The art of how to say nothing.”

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