The art of making cacti bloom: 6 practical tips

by time news

Cacti are plants that allow us to relax with care, but it does not mean that they survive unattended. If you want to boost flowering, follow our advice.

The art of making cacti bloom: 6 practical tips

Last update: March 01, 2023

Making cacti bloom implies commitment. Although they do not require rigorous attention, these plants “ask” for obedience in terms of preparing the ground and the adequacy of the environment that houses them.

Besides, flowering is an act that demands serenity, because unlike what happens with other species, it does not occur as quickly. Nor is it continuous, much less does it last that long.

The cacti stand out for their stamp and the breadth of purposes, among which Research in Phytotherapy highlights its uses in fodder, food, medicine and as an ornamental plant. It is in this last utility that the concern for flowering arises.

Does it occur in all varieties? At what time does it happen? Let’s find out.

“Not all cacti bloom”: myth or reality?

Cacti belong to the family Cactaceae of the kingdom Plantae y they are characterized by their prickly appearance, softened by large, colorful, solitary flowers. The Encyclopedia Britannica details that all the genera of the species have a floral tube with structures in the form of petals and others similar to leaves.

Due to its rough appearance, there are those who believe that the plant never blooms. But an article published by the Bogotá Secretary of Culture, Recreation and Sport demystifies this appreciation.

The text makes it clear that all cacti flower, only some types do so only when they reach a height of 2 meters or add up to many years. After the first annual flowering, at the same time, the buds sprout again.

There are more than 200 genera and 2,500 species of cacti.

What can make the flowering of the cacti stagnate?

The age of the plant is the first cause of stagnation for its flowering, so it is pertinent to know if she is young or adult, exposes tropical nature. They argue that, in particular, cacti experience different maturation times, determined by the species.

While some take more than 10 years to flower, others do so in a year and a half. And if it grows in a column, the delay may be greater.

Another cause that affects flowering is disease. Cacti can be infected with aphids, mealybugs and fungi that delay or permanently prevent the emergence of flowers. If they manage to come out buds, the pests would make them wither, he adds tropical nature.

factors like little light and deficiency of the substrate also affect the prosperity of the plant, as well as the time of year according to the species. That is, even if you focus on providing fertilizer, if it is not its flowering season, it simply will not happen.

All cacti can flower, but the fact will depend on the internal and external conditions of the plant.

Recommendations to make a cactus bloom

The easy way is, instead of growing and waiting for flowering, to buy a flowering cactus. Instead, To experience the process, the first thing is to investigate the variety of Cactaceae what do you have at home.

For example, the Cereus open their petals at dawn, Selenicereus they do it approximately 2 hours before midnight and the Epiphyllum after midnight. But the flowers do not last long and then fall off, he details Monaco Nature Encyclopedia.

Putting the following tips into practice is convenient to make the cacti flourish.

1. Sow in the appropriate pot

To promote the flowering of cacti, take advantage of the clay pots. This material is porous and helps aerate the substrate and speed up drying between waterings.

When planting, choose pots that are not so large, so as not to accumulate water. Small containers are best, as long as the roots don’t spill out of the drainage holes. By the time these organs begin to poke out of the drain holes, consider transplanting.

2. Fertilize in the corresponding season

Fertilizing cacti is important, but this activity is done a couple of months before flowering. Ideal in spring and summer.

When you do, check that the fertilizer is specific for cacti or that it contains a high dose of potassium. Agroproductores alleges that this mineral is related to the activation of more than 50 essential enzymes for plant development and is involved in controlling the amount of water that enters and leaves plant cells.

3. Let them sunbathe

Cacti love the sun and therefore lighting. When plants are grown indoors, flowering is difficult, as they require a location where they receive as much light as possible.

During spring and summer it is valid to take them out of the interior so that they can sunbathe, but before leaving it outdoors you need to acclimatize it. In winter it is important to leave the Cactaceae Inside the house, in a point of light and where you perceive warmth at night.

4. Respect the space between risks

The hydration of a cactus is determined by how dry the soil is and the ambient heat. The greater the dryness and the temperature, the more water it demands. But do not abuse watering, so as not to flood it.

On the other hand, space out the water supply during autumn and winter, since it is the passivity phase of the cacti and they have a reserve of water stored in the previous months.

5. Provides nutrients

Both in the ground and in pots, cacti require a special soil to flourish. It is recommended that the substrate is porous, does not hinder drainage and contributes to the oxygenation of the roots. You should also clean it of weeds and pathogens.

Botanical Monographs notes that the substrate can be organic, inorganic or mixed; specifically, those with suitable granulometry, pH and water retention for cacti. The following options are considered valid:

  • important
  • perlite.
  • Vermiculite.
  • Silica sand.
  • Coconut fiber.
  • Volcanic rock.
  • Expanded clay.
  • Blond and black mobs.
  • Washed siliceous river arena.
Flower of the Santa Rita cactus. Opuntia santarita.

6. Allow them to rest

The varieties of cacti rest in winter and, if you want them to bloom, do not disturb their rest. How to help them? With the transfer to a luminous area, isolating them from the cold and restricting the maximum watering to a couple of times a month.

You do “everything” and the cactus cannot flourish, what measures to take?

If you meet all the guidelines mentioned, but do not see the cactus bloom, all that remains is to be patient. Many of these plants respond to slow growth; so much so, that years may pass before the first flower sprouts.

Similarly, when purchasing a Cactaceae, ask the clerk all the details about the specimen, to know from the first moment how long it would take to bloom, the care that would support this purpose and if it is a variety of momentary flowering. This is how you prepare to contemplate this natural spectacle.

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