The assailant transferred to a psychiatric hospital

by time news

2023-06-14 22:36:34

The Syrian refugee who last Thursday stabbed two adults and four children in Annecywas transferred from Aiton Correctional Center (Savoy) to l‘psychiatric hospital du Vinatier in Bron, near Lyon, we learned on Wednesday from sources familiar with the matter. He was transferred to “the specially equipped hospital unit (USHA) of Vinatier”, in Bron near Lyon, two sources familiar with the matter told AFP on Wednesday evening, confirming information from the JDD and France Info.

Abdalmasih H. had been placed in a cells emergency protection of the penitentiary center of Aiton, equipped to prevent suicides, after having sown terror Thursday morning in a park on the shores of Lake Annecy, by attacking with a knife six people, including four very young children.

“No terrorist motivation”

Mutic since his arrest, he was indicted for “attempted murder” and placed in detention on Saturday, without the investigation having yet made it possible to understand his gesture. After fleeing his country at war, Abdalmasih H. had obtained a permanent residence permit in Sweden at the end of 2013, where he had obtained asylum, which gave him refugee status.

At the time of the tragedy, he was “neither under the influence of narcotics nor under the influence of alcohol”, according to Annecy prosecutor Line Bonnet-Mathis. “No terrorist motivation appears at this stage,” she said. Witnesses only heard him “recall his wife and daughter and pronounce the name of Jesus Christ” during the attack.

The vital prognosis of the six wounded, most of them hospitalized in absolute emergency after the attack, is no longer engaged, she said on Saturday.

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