the Assembly adopts a law to generalize the practice of “statistical” and “individual” tests

by time news

2023-12-06 22:59:04

The National Assembly adopted on Wednesday December 6 at first reading a text against discrimination, particularly in hiring, by systematizing the “statistical tests” et “individual” with businesses and administrations. At the opening of the debates, its author, Marc Ferracci (Renaissance), mentioned « Jean »and “close relative” became a doctor in physics, auditing “the efficiency of the cooling circuits of our nuclear power plants”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “All the tests conclude that there is very clear discrimination in hiring”

“Jean was not always called Jean, his first name at birth was Saïd”said Mr. Ferracci, explaining that after changing his name, this relative “obtained a job interview in less than fifteen days” for an engineering position. “We must first change the behavior of businesses and administrations”added, for her part, the minister responsible for the fight against discrimination, Bérangère Couillard, in favor of the text.

The text intends to create an anti-discrimination service, under the supervision of the Prime Minister. Integrated into the interministerial delegation for the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred (Dilcrah), it will have to assist citizens who feel discriminated against. The idea is to help write a CV or file by modifying certain elements (a name, an age, an address, a gender, etc.) to reveal discrimination.

Read also (2021): Article reserved for our subscribers Discrimination in hiring: a phenomenon that remains “generalized and persistent”

Admitted by the penal code, these tests give rise to the right to compensation. But they ” do not work “according to the minister, deploring zero “criminal conviction” in 2020. Discrimination in access to housing or bank loans would also be targeted.

The text was adopted by 102 votes to 81. Most left-wing deputies voted against, considering that the text is insufficient and encroaches on the prerogatives of the Defender of Rights. The right and the National Rally (RN) also voted against.

If the company does not develop solutions, it may be sanctioned

Dilcrah would also have the possibility of carrying out statistical test campaigns by sending a certain number of false CVs to companies or administrations. The results may be made public. “There is a logic of support” companies, insists Marc Ferracci. But if the company does not develop solutions, it can be sanctioned up to 1% of the total remuneration paid, or even 5% in the event of repeated breaches.

The text also provides for the creation of a “stakeholder committee” responsible for developing “test methodology”, made up of parliamentarians, business representatives, employer and employee unions, associations and a representative of the Defender of Rights, Claire Hédon. The latter welcomed the initiatives of the text, however opposing the treatment by an institutional body of disputes, while it is, according to it, the” competent authority “. It’s not about “no competition” more of “complementarity”said Marc Ferracci.

Tense debates following the interventions of the RN

The debates became highly tense around the interventions of RN deputies. “There is someone in my family who is, as they say, native French. Who is white, then. He was told, because he was white, that he could not work in a security company”declared Frédéric Cabrolier in particular, accusing the left of « racialise[r] things “.

“The notion of race does not exist in the human species. We are, whether some like it or not, all of African origin, and the skin color that we have today is a simple environmental adaptation. […] to UV »launched the MoDem deputy and geneticist Philippe Berta, applauded on the other benches.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “My parents wanted a “Western” first name”

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