The Assembly broadens the scope of electronic terminations

by time news

Exit, with a single click. The oppositions of the National Assembly on Thursday widened the possibility of electronically terminating a subscription well beyond the initial project, extending it to all contracts while the government wanted to limit the measure to those subscribed online. This modification was obtained by a conjunction of the votes RN, LR and the left alliance Nupes, against the opinion of the government, during the examination in first reading of the purchasing power bill.

A very close vote

Article 7 of the text provided that contracts concluded online could be terminated by the same means, with professionals responsible for setting up an electronic functionality allowing it. But in an Assembly where the presidential camp only has a relative majority, the opposition deputies managed to pass two identical amendments from LR and LFI, extending this procedure to all subscription contracts, concluded online. or not.

Faced with a very close vote by show of hands, the session president Hélène Laporte (RN) had a “sit-stand” vote taken to better count. MP Carlos Martens Bilongo (LFI) hailed a “single solution”, which has “the merit of simplicity”. Dino Cinieri (LR) also welcomed a “significant measure of simplification”.

The Minister Delegate for Trade Olivia Grégoire estimated that such an extension of the system would “impose costs for all economic players who offer subscriptions”, including craftsmen or SMEs who often do not have a website allowing termination in line.

Cancellation possible online

The deputies also adopted article 8 of the text, which aims to oblige those offering the subscription of insurance contracts electronically, to provide for termination by the same means. The deadline for the entry into force of these measures has been postponed by six months – from February 1 to August 1, 2023 – to take into account their significant impact, thanks to LR amendments, this time supported by the government.

By an amendment by Eric Bothorel (Renaissance), the deputies limited the scope of a measure voted in committee reducing the costs of terminating telephone or internet contracts. For contracts of more than a year broken before the first twelve months, the device carried by LR Julien Dive intended to remove the remaining 25% of costs for the second year.

The amendment excludes bundled subscription and telephone offers from the measure. Eric Bothorel says he wants to prevent operators from increasing the price of the package or the terminal, which long-term commitments serve to amortize. LFI accused the majority of taking up an argument from the telephone operators.

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