The Assembly narrowly rejects a tax on the superprofits of large groups

by time news

The National Assembly narrowly rejected on Saturday the idea of ​​​​a tax on the “superprofits” or “exceptional profits” of large multinational goods transport or oil companies, despite protests from the left and the RN.

The votes were very tight (96 for, 114 against) to reject amendments mainly from the ranks of the left alliance Nupes but also from the National Rally. Four majority deputies abstained, including Sacha Houlié and Caroline Janvier, who had defended the principle of this tax. One of their colleague from Horizons voted for it.

Bruno Le Maire opposed to the idea of ​​a tax

The opposition deputies wanted an “exceptional tax of 25% on the superprofits” of the various companies, oil and gas, maritime transport or motorway concessionaires.

The Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire criticized the principle of a tax, of “ideological emphasis”, according to him, and welcomed the timely gestures of TotalEnergies and CMA CGM. The energy and shipping giants on Friday offered a pump rebate of 20 cents for one and a reduction in freight rates of 750 euros per 40ft container for the other.

Members of the majority had tabled amendments to propose this tax, withdrawn following the announcements of the two international giants. The majority could count on the support of the Republicans on this text. “Our DNA is to tax less,” said Véronique Louwagie. “Yes, the pressure of the National Assembly on Total and on CMA CGM has been effective and I thank all the parliamentarians, all benches combined”, rejoiced Bruno Le Maire, for whom the voluntary contribution of the two groups makes “more money to the French.

Taxes in Spain or the UK

These remarks sparked the ire of the left. “The French people are suffering when Total is gorging itself,” rebuked the leader of the Insoumis Mathilde Panot. “You are refusing a legitimate measure which is spreading around us”, lamented the socialist Christine Pires Beaune, citing the cases of Spain, Great Britain or Italy which have adopted exceptional taxes on ” superprofits”.

“There was a time, in this hemicycle at the start of the Third Republic, where the big bosses sat directly to defend their interests, it had the merit of transparency, now they are ministers”, attacked the RN Jean-Philippe Tanguy, speaking of “indecent number” between “lobbying and the defense of macronie”. “The only lobbyist here is me,” brushed off Bruno Le Maire.

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