The Assembly votes 500 million euros to increase public service pensions, a new setback for the government

by time news

It was not – at all – in the plans of the executive. The National Assembly voted, Tuesday, July 26, against the government’s opinion, an additional revaluation of 500 million euros for the retirement pensions of civil servants, within the framework of the examination of the draft rectified budget for 2022. The vote for this amendment by the Freedoms, Independents, Overseas and Territories group was won by 186 votes to 181, with the left immediately celebrating a ” nice victory “ and the deputies National Rally (RN) a ” breath of fresh air “ for retirees.

Read also: The Assembly votes the credits for the renationalisation of EDF, as well as an increase of 500 million euros in retirement pensions: relive the political news of July 26

The amendment provides for a revaluation of pensions taking into account the real level of inflation, i.e. 5.5% for 2022, while the government has proposed a cumulative revaluation of 5.1% (1.1% in January then 4 % in July). Almost all the opposition deputies voted for, only the group Les Républicains (LR) divided between for, against and abstention, while the majority united to oppose it, in vain. The right-wing dominated Senate may, however, reconsider this vote.

The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, tried to demine the subject, assuring that in view of galloping inflation, “there will most likely be another pension increase in January 2023”.

Credits for the renationalization of EDF voted

The consideration since Friday by the Assembly of the draft rectified budget is strewn with pitfalls for the majority. Monday evening, for example, 230 million euros for homes heating with fuel oil were approved against the advice of the government, which favored aid of 50 million euros.

On Saturday, the Assembly decided to allocate 120 million to the departments which pay the RSA in 2022, to fully compensate for the 4% increase in this benefit programmed by the State. The measure was obtained by the conjunction of the favorable votes of the left, the RN, LR but also the deputies of the Horizons group. This is the first time that these allies of the majority have marked their difference.

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The executive however glimpsed a ray of sunshine on Tuesday, with the vote by the deputies of the envelope of 9.7 billion euros for the purchase of the small part of EDF which is still missing from the State. The renationalization should allow the group, very indebted, to borrow at a lower cost, and give free rein to the State to reorganize it as it sees fit.

According to Bruno Le Maire, “to nationalize EDF is to guarantee to all our compatriots that they will be able to continue to have electricity at a reduced rate in the years to come, it is a major protection against inflation”. The Minister also stressed that the price of these shares to be purchased, and therefore the amount of the State’s investment, has not been established. ” The haphazard “but that it has been validated by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers.

The World with AFP

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