the Assembly votes on a mechanism intended to facilitate the financing

by time news

The announced objective is to make the passage of the driving license “cheaper, simpler and faster”. The National Assembly thus voted unanimously, Monday, March 27, a macronist bill to better inform young people about the financing allowing them to obtain the precious sesame, and to reduce the time before the exam.

Passing the license “takes time and is expensive”, « 1 800 euros » for a first attempt, underlined the rapporteur Renaissance Sacha Houlié, president of the law commission. Its proposal provides for a new digital platform – “a young person, a permit” – in order to identify all state and community aid. The candidate would only have to indicate his postal code to find out about the financing available in his territory.

The text also opens up financing through the personal training account (CPF) to all types of permits, in particular motorcycles and carts, whereas currently only B permits, heavy goods vehicles and buses are concerned. Government and majority amendments refer to entry into force “no later than 1is January 2024 ». The CPF financed 322,000 driving licenses in 2021, or 28% of the licenses issued that year, with two-thirds of the beneficiaries being people under the age of 35.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The driving license, a later and more constrained “obligatory passage”

An extension of the use of contractors

Finally, to offer more examination slots, the authorization for public or contractual officials to take the practical test of the license will be extended to the national level. This is not a “outsourcing”, assures Mr. Houlié in the face of the concerns of the inspectors. The left protested against the use of contractors.

On behalf of the government, the Secretary of State responsible for citizenship, Sonia Backès, supported the text because the permit is a “essential freedom for social and professional mobility” and that the “visibility of aid is sometimes limited”.

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers “The driving license is a passport to professional integration”

The deputies adopted an amendment by Pierre Henriet (presidential majority) to facilitate the passage in high schools of the theoretical test of the license: the code. His Renaissance colleague Jean-Marc Zulesi has voted on a request for a report on the possibility of lowering the age for obtaining a driving license to 16, instead of 17 or 18.

Examined during a transpartisan week at the Palais Bourbon, the text, consensual, was adopted at first reading and must be sent to the Senate, but it was deemed insufficient by the opposition. Several deputies from both left and far right have regretted a “micro law”and “small step” or a text “tasteless”.

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