The Ast of Fermo presents the Uoc of Radiodiagnostics – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

2024-07-25 17:54:16

(ANSA) – FERMO, JULY 25 – New diagnostic equipment for the Fermo Ast was presented to the press today and will include a hi-tech mammograph, a cardiac CT scan and a multiparametric prostate MRI. They will implement the complex operating unit of Radiodiagnostics. “Diagnostic imaging has changed radically in recent years, both in terms of adapting to new technologies and to new user needs,” explained the general director of the Fermo Ast, Roberto Grinta, presenting the equipment together with the director of the department, Dr. Gianluca Valeri, and the director of the technical-diagnostic area, Dr. Matteo Diamanti. “Artificial intelligence has entered this specialist field in an important way and we were ready.” “The regional council is working to make healthcare more efficient, technologically advanced and closer to the citizens of the Marche – explained the vice president of the council and councilor for Health of the Marche Region, Filippo Saltamartini – Since we took office we have been investing heavily in new machinery and technologies that can allow doctors to have the best equipment to guarantee citizens the treatments they need. Equipment that allows staff to best express their professionalism and competence. We are relaunching healthcare throughout the Fermo area and we are working on the new Amandola Hospital, a change of pace after years of weakening services in the hinterland”.
“Among the innovations – explains the director of the UOC Valeri – we have started cardiac CT scans with pharmacological stress that can replace myocardial scintigraphy. It is also important to remember the multiparametric Magnetic Resonance of the prostate”.
Some data: in 2023, in the 7 Ast locations where Radiology is present, 170 thousand tests were performed (87 thousand x-rays, 31 thousand ultrasounds, 25 thousand CT scans, 14 thousand mammograms (half of which were screening), 9,500 MRIs and 3,500 Moc. The department staff is made up of 19 doctors (including the director), 37 radiology technicians (including the 3 organizational functions), 11 nurses (including the organizational function), 6 units of auxiliary social-assistance staff responsible for patient transport, 15 units of secretarial staff. (ANSA).

2024-07-25 17:54:16

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