The astronomy center that achieved gender parity with a pioneering project

by time news

2023-11-29 17:06:33

An Australian center of astronomical research has achieved the gender parity throughout your staff with a program of cinco years of education y action affirmative. Leaders are confident that their initiative can be applied to other organizations.

He Australian Research Council Center of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) is a government-funded project involving nine Australian universities that focuses on understanding the evolution of the Universe.

If in 2018, the 38% of the 150 employees of the center were women, it is expected that when the end of this year the half of his more than 300 employees are women, according to a report published last week in ‘Nature Astronomy1′.

To achieve the purpose, the co-author of the study, Lisa Kewleyand his team designed a program to make the hiring process, staff retention and leadership be more equitable for the women of ASTRO 3D. Center demanded that all the hiring committees were composed of a 50% of people who identified as women.

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“We really hope that other institutions can apply the same methods and be successful as well”says Kewley about this initiative that can serve as Roadmap so that other organizations can improve gender equality.

Kewley and her team are currently implementing strategies to recruit and retain researchers from other underrepresented groups, including indigenous and LGBT+ communities, and people with disabilities. “True diversity is not just about binary gender”he points out.

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