The Atlantic Ocean is Cooling, Why It’s Not Good News

by time news

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States, last July, Global sea surface temperatures have been slightly cooler than July 2023, ending a 15-month streak of record-high average ocean temperatures. The Pacific El Niño faded in May, and cooler-than-average La Niña conditions are likely to develop between September and November, according to NOAA’s latest forecast.

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This is due in part to the strengthening of the trade winds.winds, which allow colder water to rise from the deeper ocean. El Niño, on the other hand, is associated with weaker trade winds that reduce the upwelling of colder water. This multi-year cycle is called the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and is a major source of natural variability in global climate. Although it has a much smaller influence on climate, it also The equatorial Atlantic Ocean oscillates between warm “Niños” and cool “Niñas” every few years. Like ENSO, this oscillation is often associated with the strength of the trade winds. Naive me, I thought this was good news.

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