The attack in Dizengoff: IDF forces are operating in the Jenin area

by time news

The murderous attack in Tel Aviv: IDF and YMCA forces are operating this morning (Saturday) in the area of ​​the city of Jenin. This, after the attack in Tel Aviv on Thursday, in which three Israelis were killed and 15 were injured.

Palestinian media report that the IDF is besieging the terrorist’s home and a heavy exchange of fire is taking place there. During the exchange of fire, the terrorist Ahmad al-Saadi was killed.

Meanwhile, at the end of the assessment of the situation in the IDF, it was decided to reinforce three more companies at the seam line in Judea and Samaria starting today.

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Chief of Staff, Spring StarsLast night referred to the deadly attack in Tel Aviv and said that “Last night’s attack in Tel Aviv left the territory of Judea and Samaria, the seam area, and that is our responsibility – something that should not have happened. Our task is very simple – we need to stop terrorism, we need to restore security and do everything What is possible and necessary, at any time and place, for security to return. “

Earlier yesterday, the IDF, after assessing the situation, decided on reinforcements and activities of the army, mainly focusing on thwarting in Samaria, condensing forces at the seam line and reinforcing the police in the home front. The Chief of Staff instructed to interrogate all the intelligence and operational aspects that led to the incident and to learn from the manner of assistance provided by IDF units in last night’s pursuit against the terrorist.

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