The author confessed to the murder of a Spanish teenager in France acknowledges having sexually assaulted her

by time news

The confessed author of the murder of a Spanish teenager in the south of France acknowledged having it sexually assaulted before he strangled her. This has been indicated by the French television channel ‘BFM TV’, which usually has good sources among the security forces. The heinous homicide of 14-year-old Vanessa, committed on Friday shocked the inhabitants of Tonneins, a municipality of less than 10,000 inhabitants located about 100 kilometers east of Bordeaux. This Sunday new details of the suspect were known, who recognized the facts.

“I know why you are here,” said the alleged killer, a 31-year-old Frenchman, when police officers went to arrest him at his home. the suspect he himself indicated the abandoned house where the body was found. With the passing of the hours, the hypothesis of a macho homicide and for sexual reasons. The disappearance and death of the teenager, whose family with Colombian roots had moved to the French country a year ago, occurred on Friday, but she was not aware of it until Saturday. Coinciding with a day in which tens of thousands of French men and women demonstrated against sexist violence, within the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

According to sources close to the investigation, cited by various French media, Romain C. sexually assaulted the minor, could even have brokenbefore taking his life. The autopsy will determine the sexual assaults he suffered and the place where they occurred. The investigation suggests that they could have occurred in the suspect’s car, which he made the victim come up when he was leaving the institute and despite being a stranger to the family. The prosecutor’s office reported in a statement that his detention at the police station lasted this Sunday. When he concludes, he will probably be accused by the Justice and imprisoned.

alcohol problems

The alleged murderer, apparently well integrated into society and who worked in construction, had already been convicted. His record includes a two-week prison sentence for a sexual assault in 2006, when I was 15 years old. Since then, the police and judicial authorities were not aware that she had committed new crimes of this type. In fact, his name was not registered in the register of sex offenders, since he had been convicted when he was a minor.

The news of the murder also shocked the alleged murderer’s colleagues and former colleagues. “I am surprised, everyone is surprised,” declared a woman from her surroundings. “I think he was someone who could be violent when drinking alcohol, but from that to committing sexual assaults I did not imagine it at all. I never would have thought that I could assault a teenager!”, Has assured one of her former co-workers in statements to the chain ‘BFM TV’.

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